

विषय / विशेष कार्यालय अनुभाग / प्रभाग एनआईटी नंबर डाउनलोड
डेटा नहीं मिला

आपूर्ति/कार्य अवॉर्ड पुरस्कार की तिथी संदर्भ संख्या। पुरस्कार का आधार
MOEI and fans for Doordarshan at Bengaluru for the year 2024-25 S.H: Providing services of Wireman (From 01.07.2024 to 31.03.2025) M/S RSR Enterprises 21/06/2024 EE(E)/BNG/DB/5(1)/2024-25/685 Dated 21-06-2024 MOEI and fans for Doordarshan at Bengaluru for the year 2024-25
MOEI and fans for Akashvani at Bengaluru for the year 2024-25. S.H: Providing services of Wireman and Khalasi. (From 01.06.2024 to 31.03.2025) M/S RSR Enterprises 21/06/2024 EE(E)/BNG/DB/5(1)/2024-25/684 Dated 21-06-2024 MOEI and fans for Akashvani at Bengaluru for the year 2024-25
Supplying and laying of service connection cable for Pumps control panel from Switch gear room i/c earthing at A.I.R, Dharwad- reg M/S Ramakrishna Electricals 19/06/2024 AE(E)/BNG/W-7/2024-25/25 Dated 19-06-2024 Supplying and laying of service connection cable for Pumps control panel from Switch gear room
Upgradation Renovation of S-8, S-9 Yoga Hall and vacant area at 3rd floor near lift at admin block, IIMC, New Delhi M/S Vaibhav Constructions 13/06/2024 1(01)SBPD/W/DCD-II/2024-25/454-461 Dated 13-06-2024 Upgradation Renovation of S-8, S-9 Yoga Hall and vacant area at 3rd floor near lift at admin block
SITC of open well submersible pump along with pipe, pump control panel, service connection cable for sump at Akashvani, Madikeri-reg M/s Ramakrishna Electrical 13/06/2024 EE(E)/BNG/DB/5(22)/2024-25/66 Dated 13-06-2024 SITC of open well submersible pump along with pipe, pump control panel, service connection cable for sump at Akashvani
New 10KW FM Transmitter Project at DDK site Shivamogga SH: Re-wiring of Transmitter building with copper conductor i/c replacement of MCB DBs, Replacement of existing Switches and Sockets with Modular type i/c Modular boxes, Providing LED Luminaires and Retrofitting of conventional fluorescent tubes with LED tubes, Providing LED Flood Lights and Street lights, focus lights for Name board near Gate and cable M/s Ramakrishna Electrical 13/06/2024 EE(E)/BNG/DB/4(7)/2024-25/660 Dated 13-06-2024 New 10KW FM Transmitter Project at DDK site Shivamogga SH
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of HT Load Break Switches at HPT Namboor, AIR Vijaywada [A.P] M/S RSR Enterprises 04/06/2024 EE(E)/BNG/DB/5(8)/2024-25/629 Dated 04-06-2024 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of HT Load Break Switches at HPT Namboor
MOEI and fans for AIR at Hyderabad for the year 2024-25. S.H: Providing services of Wireman. (From 01.06.2024 to 31.03.2025)-reg. M/s Mythry Electricals 27/05/2024 EE(E)/BNG/DB/5(7)/2024-25/617 Dated 27-05-2024 MOEI and fans for AIR at Hyderabad for the year 2024-25
ARMO Electricals works at NFDC-NFAI Pune for 2023-24 (PH-II) Replacing of Dehumidifier coil for 8A & Vault Coil for 5A at Color Film Vault M/S Voltas Limited 17/05/2024 PES/14/Award/2024-25/22 Dated 17-05-2024 ARMO Electricals works at NFDC-NFAI Pune for 2023-24 (PH-II)
Setting up of 10 KW FM Akashvani transmitter at DD, HPT Jagdalpur(C.G) (SH: Rewiring of transmitter building, early Fire Alarm system, repair/ replacement of street lighting system) M/S Vishal Contract Works 10/05/2024 EEE/CCW/NGP/AC/Setting up 10 KW..HPT Jagdalpur/2024-25/68 Dated 10-05-2024 Setting up of 10 KW FM Akashvani transmitter at DD, HPT Jagdalpur
Repairing the damaged and fallen granite cladding in the corridors of Akashvani Bhawan New Delhi Sh. Mandeep Choudhary 09/05/2024 AE(C)AKB/Tender(Award)/2024-25/21-25 Repairing the damaged and fallen granite cladding in the corridors of Akashvani Bhawan New Delhi
Providing and fixing false ceiling with fully perforated gypsum board tiles in Admin, PA to DDG (Engg) & DDO rooms at DDK, Sector-37 B Chandigarh Sh. Sanjay Kumar 06/05/2024 (15)Award/2024-25/62-67 Providing and fixing false ceiling with fully perforated gypsum board tiles in Admin, PA to DDG (Engg) & DDO rooms at DDK, Sector-37 B Chandigarh
Internal Painting of Rooms in Office Block at DDK Jalandhar M/S G.L Chauhan 01/05/2024 AE(C)-II/CHD/AL-CL/2024-25/22-26 Internal Painting of Rooms in Office Block at DDK Jalandhar
Cleaning of Sewerage Lines at DDK Complex and Staff Colony Jalandhar M/S G.L Chauhan 01/05/2024 AE(C)-II/CHD/AL-CL/2024-25/17-21 Cleaning of Sewerage Lines at DDK Complex and Staff Colony Jalandhar
Services for revamp of ‘DD India’ by upgradation of technical and editorial competence to the best of international practices for the coverage of G-20 in India M/s Feature Story News 03/05/2023 868218/2023/PROG.WING USD 3,050,000 + GST @18%