

विषय / विशेष कार्यालय अनुभाग / प्रभाग एनआईटी नंबर डाउनलोड
डेटा नहीं मिला

आपूर्ति/कार्य अवॉर्ड पुरस्कार की तिथी संदर्भ संख्या। पुरस्कार का आधार
S.I.T.C of 160 KVA Distribution Transformer, H.T/L.T Cable, MCCB, earthing at AIR Vijayawada M/s RAMCO Engineering Company 10/02/2025 EE(E)/BNG/DB/5(8)/2024-25/994 Dated 10-02-2025 S.I.T.C of 160 KVA Distribution Transformer, HT LT Cable, MCCB, earthing at AIR Vijayawada
Providing surge protective devices including New earthing for Main L T Panel at Akashvani, Vijayawada (AP) M/s Mythry Electricals 27/01/2025 EE(E)/BNG/DB/5(8)/2024-25/973 Providing surge protective devices including New earthing for Main L T Panel at Akashvani
Providing Surge Protective Devices at Akashvani, Visakhapatnam (A.P) M/s Mythry Electricals 24/01/2025 EE(E)/BNG/DB/5(16)/2024-25/970 Dated 24-01-2025 Providing Surge Protective Devices at Akashvani, Visakhapatnam
Providing Surge Protective Devices including new Earthing for Main L.T Panel at Akashvani, Ananthapur (A.P) M/s Mythry Electricals 24/01/2025 EE(E)/BNG/DB/5(16)/2024-25/969 Dated 24-01-2025 Providing Surge Protective Devices including new Earthing for Main L.T Panel at Akashvani
New 1KW FM Transmitter at UDUPI [Karnataka]. SH: Replacement of existing switches and sockets with Modular type i/c Modular boxes, Providing LED luminaires, LED Street lights, LED Flood Lights & Gate Lights, Providing service connection cable for D.G set, Industrial Plug points for A.C Units i/c wiring, Providing Monoblock Pumpset etc. M/s Ramakrishna Electrical 31/12/2024 EE(E)/BNG/DB/2(2) / 2024-25 / 925 New 1KW FM Transmitter at UDUPI Karnataka
Supplying, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Open well Submersible Pump along with pipe, Pumps Control Panel, earthing for panel board, IEI to Pump Room, Lightning conductor to OHT etc. at Akashvani, MANGALURU M/s KBK Reddy Electrical 26/11/2024 EE(E)/BNG/DB/S(2)/2024-25/882 Dated 26-11-2024 Supplying, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Open well Submersible Pump along with pipe
Replacement of OLD ACBs (1600A-2Nos and 1250A-1No) of LT Main Panel at HPT, Bhilgaon, Kamptee Road, Akashvani, Nagpur M/s. Bahe Electrical services 29/10/2024 EE(E)/NGP/CCW/NIT-005/2024-25/Camp Mumbai Replacement of OLD ACBs (1600A-2Nos and 1250A-1No) of LT Main Panel at HPT
ARMO to electrical works at MSQ, All India Radio, Borivali, Mumbai for the year 2024-25. (Sub Head: Comprehensive maintenance of 4 Nos of 8 passenger lifts, KONE Make) M/s Kone Elevator India Pvt. Ltd. 05/08/2024 014/EDM/MUM-II/2024-25 ARMO to electrical works at MSQ, All India Radio, Borivali, Mumbai for the year 2024-25
Replacement of 2X27 water cooled TR water cooled AC Plant by 3X16.5 TR Air cooled system at Akashvani, Studio Ahmedabad M/s. Vijay Air Conditioning Pvt Ltd. 29/07/2024 EE(E)/MUM/CCW/NIT-05/2024-25/PG/285 Replacement of 2X27 water cooled TR water cooled AC Plant by 3X16.5 TR Air cooled system at Akashvani
MOEI & Fans for Akashvani at Vijayawada for the year 2024-25 SH: Providing services of Wireman and Khalasi (From 01/08/2024 to 31/03/2025)-reg M/s Mythry Electricals 29/07/2024 EE(E)/BNG/DG/5(8)/2024-25/740 MOEI & Fans for Akashvani at Vijayawada for the year 2024-25
ARMO to electrical works at MSQ, All India Radio, Borivali, Mumbai for the year 2024-25. (Sub Head: Comprehensive maintenance of 4 Nos of 8 passenger lifts, KONE Make). M/s. Kone Elevator India Pvt. Ltd 12/07/2024 NIT No. 014/EDM/MUM-II/2024-25 Dated 12-7-2024 ARMO to electrical works at MSQ, All India Radio, Borivali, Mumbai for the year 2024-25
Award Letter of NIT No. 016/EDM/MUM-II/2024-25 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of LT Panel SDB and associated works for 20 kW FM Transmitter Akashvani Bhuj (DD Site) M/s. Nitin Enterprise 08/07/2024 EE(E)/MUM/CCW/NIT-016/2024-25/AWARD/247 Award Letter of NIT No. 016/EDM/MUM-II/2024-25
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of LT Panel SDB and associated works for 20 kW FM Transmitter Akashvani Bhuj (DD Site) M/S. Nitin Enterprise 04/07/2024 EE(E)/MUM/CCW/NIT-016/2024-25/PG/245 Dated 04-07-2024 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of LT Panel SDB and associated works
Award Letter NIT No. 006/EDM/MUM/2024-25 Replacement of Ground Floor LT Distribution Panel and Repairs to Metering Panel Service connection cable from LT substation to holiday home of Akashvani HPT, Bambolim Goa M/s. Navratan Electric Co. 02/07/2024 EE(E)/MUM/CCW/NIT-006/2024-25/Award/2042 Dated 02-07-2024 Award Letter NIT No. 006/EDM/MUM/2024-25
Replacement of existing 6 Passenger Lift of TV Building at FTII Pune M/S Omega Elevators 24/06/2024 EE(E)/MUM/CCW/NIT-009/2024-25/Award/216 Dated 24-06-2024 Replacement of existing 6 Passenger Lift of TV Building at FTII Pune
Award Letter of NIT No. 013/EDM/MUM-II/2024-25 ARMO to electrical works at DDK Ahmedabad for the Year 2024-25. (Sub Head: Annual Non comprehensive maintenance of internal electrical installations including operation of water supply pump sets). M/S. Vikas Electricals 24/06/2024 EE(E)/MUM/CCW/NIT-009/2024-25/Award/221 Dated 24-06-2024 Award Letter of NIT No. 013/EDM/MUM-II/2024-25 ARMO to electrical works at DDK Ahmedabad for the Year 2024-25
Award Letter of NIT No. 012/EDM/MUM-II/2024-25 MOEI Fans & RMO pump sets at Broadcasting House, Mumbai for the year 2024-25. (Sub Head: Annual Non comprehensive maintenance of internal electrical installations including operation of water supply pump sets). M/S. Vikas Electricals 24/06/2024 EE(E)/MUM/CCW/NIT-009/2024-25/Award/220 Dated 24-06-2024 Award Letter of NIT No. 012/EDM/MUM-II/2024-25 MOEI Fans & RMO pump sets at Broadcasting House
Award Letter of NIT No. 011/EDM/MUM/2024-25 MOEI Fans & RMO pump sets at AIR Ratnagiri for the year 2024-25. Sub Head: Annual Non comprehensive maintenance of internal electrical installations and operation of water supply pump sets. M/S. Vikas Electricals 24/06/2024 EE(E)/MUM/CCW/NIT-009/2024-25/Award/219 Dated 24-06-2024 Award Letter of NIT No. 011/EDM/MUM/2024-25 MOEI Fans & RMO pump sets at AIR Ratnagiri for the year 2024-25
Award Letter of NIT No. 010/EDM/MUM-II/2024-25 MOEI Fans & RMO pump sets at MSQ Borivali, Mumbai for the year 2024-25. (Sub Head: Annual Non comprehensive maintenance of internal electrical installations including operation of water supply pump sets) M/S. Vikas Electricals 24/06/2024 EE(E)/MUM/CCW/NIT-009/2024-25/Award/218 Dated 24-06-2024 Award Letter of NIT No. 010/EDM/MUM-II/2024-25 MOEI Fans & RMO pump sets at MSQ Borivali
Award Letter NIT No. 009/EDM/MUM-II/2024-25 MOEI fans & RMO pump sets at DDK, Worli, Mumbai for the year 2024-25. (Sub Head: Annual Non comprehensive maintenance of internal electrical installations including operation of water supply pump sets). M/S. Vikas Electricals 24/06/2024 EE(E)/MUM/CCW/NIT-009/2024-25/Award/217 Dated 24-06-2024 Award Letter NIT No. 009/EDM/MUM-II/2024-25 MOEI fans & RMO pump sets at DDK