Casual |
Regarding Written Test and Admit Card for empanelment of Casual Assignees for programme presentation/RJ in FM Bengali services of AIR, Kolkata |
09/12/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Casual |
Date Extension in respect of Casual Production Assistants |
09/12/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Casual |
Notification for Empanelment of casual assignees in different categories in Doordarshan Kendra, Srinagar |
08/12/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Casual |
Voice Test and Interview for empanelment of Casual Editor and Casual NRT for RNU Ranchi |
01/12/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Casual |
Extension of date for accepting forms for casual Production Assistants (RNU Srinagar) |
25/11/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Contractual |
Invitation of application for engagement of Sr. Associate/Consultant (GST Cell) on full time contract basis in Prasar Bharati – reg. |
23/11/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Casual |
Notification for empanelment of casual assignees in different categories in RNU, Doordarshan Kendra, Vijayawada |
16/11/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Casual |
Empanelment of Casual Production Assistants/Broadcasting Assistants purely on casual and "as and when" requirement basis at Regional News Unit, AIR Srinagar |
16/11/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Contractual |
Cancellation of NIA dated 04.11.2022 for the position of Editor in PBNS&DP, Prasar Bharati on full time contract basis -reg |
15/11/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Casual |
Advertisement/Notification for Empanelment of Casual Assignees in RNU, DDK, JAMMU |
14/11/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Casual |
Result of written test conducted on 29th October, 2022 for selection for casual panel of Editors and News Readers cum Translators (NRT) |
14/11/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Contractual |
Notice for Inviting Applications for engagement of Consultant on full-time contract basis in Prasar Bharati -reg. |
11/11/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Contractual |
Notice Inviting Applications for engagement of Marketing Executive at Shimla on full time contract basis in Prasar Bharati - reg. |
09/11/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Contractual |
Notice Inviting Applications for engagement of Marketing Executive at Chandigarh on full time contract basis in Prasar Bharati - reg. |
09/11/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Contractual |
Notice Inviting Applications for engagement of Marketing Executive at Dehradun on full time contract basis in Prasar Bharati - reg. |
09/11/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Contractual |
Notice Inviting Applications for engagement of Marketing Executive Grade I at Bengaluru on full time contract basis in Prasar Bharati - reg. |
09/11/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Contractual |
Notice Inviting Applications for engagement of Marketing Executive at Bengaluru on full time contract basis in Prasar Bharati - reg. |
09/11/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Contractual |
Notice Inviting Applications for engagement of Marketing Executive at Mumbai on full time contract basis in Prasar Bharati - reg. |
09/11/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Contractual |
Notice Inviting Applications for engagement of Marketing Executive Grade I at Mumbai on full time contract basis in Prasar Bharati - reg. |
09/11/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |
Contractual |
Notice Inviting Applications for engagement of Marketing Executive Grade I at Kolkata on full time contract basis in Prasar Bharati - reg. |
09/11/2022 |
यथा प्रकाशित |