
Shri Navneet Kumar Sehgal Chairman, Prasar Bharati Board

Shri Navneet Kumar Sehgal Chairman, Prasar Bharati Board

Brief Profile

Shri Navneet Kumar Sehgal was appointed as Chairman, Prasar Bharati. India's largest Public Service Broadcaster on 16th March 2024.

He is a retired Civil Servant (IAS, 1988 batch) belonging to the Uttar Pradesh cadre. Shri Sehgal has a rich leadership experience of over 35 years heading key departments while driving governance and policy reform initiatives both at Government of India (GOI) and State levels.

Throughout his distinguished career, he held various roles at the State and Central levels, contributing significantly to both the Central and State Government of Uttar Pradesh. As Chairman and CEO, UP Expressway Industrial Development Authority (UPEIDA), he spearheaded the construction of 302 K.M Six Lane (extended to eight lanes) Agra-Lucknow expressway in record time of 22 months. As Principal Secretary (Tourism), Uttar Pradesh, he led the team to initiate and execute project developments of tourist places of U.P. and as Principal Secretary (MSME) spearheaded, "One District One Product" (ODOP) a flagship scheme of the Government of U.P. He has a rich experience in media planning, information dissemination and public relation. Has spent more than l5 years in the capacity of Secretary to C.M., handling public relation and as Principal Secretary of Information and Publicity Department of Govt. of U.P. He has spearheaded many information dissemination campaign for Govt. of U.P. in various development programmes. As Secretary Energy, Government of U.P., he was instrumental in privatizing power distribution, a first in North India in Agra city. Further, he was responsible for planning and sanctioning power generation capacity of almost 30,000 MW for the state of U.P. He has been instrumental in planning Ist Metro Rail service from Lucknow. The Detailed Project Report (DPR) was prepared under his supervision by Delhi Metro, has also been associated with many projects under PPP. He had successfully completed water supply pipeline project for Bulandshahar to Agra on gravity basis with the help of JICA. As Principal Secretary, Tourism negotiated and got approved development loan from World Bank for the development of tourist places in U.P.

With extensive experience in areas such as Media, Public Relations, General Administration, Finance, Industry, Law & Order, Land Management, and Home Affairs, he has been entrusted with significant responsibilities by both the Central and State Governments.

Shri Sehgal superannuated from Civil Services in July 2023 as Additional Chief Secretary to the Government of Uttar Pradesh.