

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 2019 SIII Administration 20/03/2019 Transfer order in respect of Programme Officers Transfer order in respect of Programme Officers
PROGRAMME WING Doordarshan DD Kashir Program Related 20/03/2019 List of Recommended and Non Recommended programme proposals out of 104 programme proposals by expert committee in year 2018 List of Recommended and Non Recommended programme proposals out of 104 programme proposals by expert committee in year 2018
GST MATTERS Doordarshan BI/43/56 Finance Wing 20/03/2019 Availing of ITC of 2017-18 and other Important Amendments made in GST provisions in 31st Meeting of GST Council Availing of ITC of 2017-18 and other Important Amendments made in GST provisions in 31st Meeting of GST Council
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan SI (A) Administration 20/03/2019 Transfer Order Transfer Order
FINANCE WING Doordarshan BI Finance Wing 19/03/2019 Incentive adjustment with/ without GST Incentive adjustment with/ without GST
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan OO No. 41 Administration 19/03/2019 Office Order regarding Ms. Aparna Gupta ADP Office Order regarding Ms. Aparna Gupta ADP
GST MATTERS Doordarshan 2017 BI Finance Wing 19/03/2019 Incentive adjustment with / without GST Incentive adjustment with / without GST
GST MATTERS Doordarshan 2017 BI Finance Wing 19/03/2019 Amendments made in GST laws and provisions Amendments made in GST laws and provisions
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan SIII Administration 19/03/2019 Office Order regarding relieving of Smt Neeru Sharma Office Order regarding relieving of Smt Neeru Sharma
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat No PB 7_14_1/2018_Fin/GST_2529_50 Finance Wing 19/03/2019 Regarding Availing of ITC of 2017-18 and other Important Amendments made in GST provisions in 31st Meeting of GST Council Regarding Availing of ITC of 2017-18 and other Important Amendments made in GST provisions in 31st Meeting of GST Council
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 2018 SIII Administration 19/03/2019 Office Order regarding Shri G.V. Ramana, PEX DDK Port Blair Office Order regarding Shri G.V. Ramana, PEX DDK Port Blair
PROGRAMME WING Doordarshan DD Kashir Program Related 19/03/2019 Our Bank IFSC details for bank Guarantee for 91 reconsideration Programmes under DD Kashir Our Bank IFSC details for bank Guarantee for 91 reconsideration Programmes under DD Kashir
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 86/2019-PPC Administration 19/03/2019 Transfer of Shri Leknath, TREX DDK Kolkata to AIR Kurseong Transfer of Shri Leknath, TREX DDK Kolkata to AIR Kurseong
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan Audit IU Administration 18/03/2019 Common Discrepancies found, during the inspection of Kendras Common Discrepancies found, during the inspection of Kendras
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan Scor II Administration 18/03/2019 Complete and clear display of the State Emblem of India on seals Complete and clear display of the State Emblem of India on seals
FINANCE WING Doordarshan BI(Misc) Finance Wing 18/03/2019 Requirement of additional budget under the sub-head Security Management for pending liability during 2018-19 Requirement of additional budget under the sub-head Security Management for pending liability during 2018-19
PROGRAMME WING Doordarshan Agreement for Commissioned Programme Program Related 17/03/2019 Agreement for Commissioned Programme DD Kashir Agreement for Commissioned Programme DD Kashir
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO 84/2019-PPC Administration 15/03/2019 Secretarial assistance provide by Sh Vipin Jain, PA to Dy. Director (T and C) Sh G S Kesarwani Secretarial assistance provide by Sh Vipin Jain, PA to Dy. Director (T and C) Sh G S Kesarwani
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 85/2019-PPC Administration 15/03/2019 Reporting for duty and joining of two (02) Senior Engineering Assistants at Prasar Bharati Secretariat Reporting for duty and joining of two (02) Senior Engineering Assistants at Prasar Bharati Secretariat
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 2018-Estt. Establishment 15/03/2019 Important Amendments for streamlining the implementation of National Pension System Important Amendments for streamlining the implementation of National Pension System