

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 85/2019-PPC Administration 15/03/2019 Reporting for duty and joining of two (02) Senior Engineering Assistants at Prasar Bharati Secretariat Reporting for duty and joining of two (02) Senior Engineering Assistants at Prasar Bharati Secretariat
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 82/2019-PPC Administration 14/03/2019 Reporting for duty at Prasar Bharati Secretariat by Sh. Praveen Kumar, Assistant Engineer Reporting for duty  at Prasar Bharati Secretariat by Sh. Praveen Kumar, Assistant Engineer
CONTRACTUAL DD News RNU/Revised guidelines/2010/Admin/RU Contractual 14/03/2019 Stringers guideline Stringers guideline
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 83/2019-PPC Administration 14/03/2019 Reporting for duty at Prasar Bharati Secretariat by Sh. Pawan Kumar Mishra, Assistant Engineer Reporting for duty at Prasar Bharati Secretariat by Sh. Pawan Kumar Mishra, Assistant Engineer
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan IU/242-47 Administration 14/03/2019 Outstanding Audit paras in respect of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Outstanding Audit paras in respect of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
FINANCE WING Doordarshan BI/2693 Finance Wing 14/03/2019 Implementation of Centralized Fund cum Distribution Limits facility offered by State Bank of India in Prasar Bharati Implementation of Centralized Fund cum Distribution Limits facility offered by State Bank of India in Prasar Bharati
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/183672/CI/2019 Technical 13/03/2019 Nominations for the Workshop on Satellite Communication for DDG/DE/DDE/ADEs of All India Radio/Doordarshan from 20th- 24th May, 2019 at MCF Hassan. Nominations for the Workshop on Satellite Communication for DDG/DE/DDE/ADEs of All India Radio/Doordarshan from  20th- 24th May, 2019 at MCF Hassan.
TECHNICAL WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat F No T 2/403/2018 Tech/191 Technical 13/03/2019 Nomination of officers for Broadcasting Conclave at Hyderabad from 18-19 March 2019 Nomination of officers for Broadcasting Conclave at Hyderabad from 18-19 March 2019
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Accounting Circular No. 13 Finance Wing 13/03/2019 Implementation of Centralized Fund cum Distribution Limits (CFDL) facility offered by State Bank of India in Prasar Bharati. Implementation of Centralized Fund cum Distribution Limits (CFDL) facility offered by State Bank of India in Prasar Bharati.
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat FINANCE WING OFFICE ORDER Finance Wing 13/03/2019 Work allocation of IFA for DG DD News and DG NSD AIR to ADG F DDn and ADG F AIR respectively Work allocation of IFA for DG DD News and DG NSD AIR to ADG F DDn and ADG F AIR respectively
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 79/2019-PPC Administration 13/03/2019 Regarding relieving of Shri Samir Kumar Mohanty, Director (Finance) on deputation in DG AIR from Prasar Bharati Regarding relieving of Shri Samir Kumar Mohanty, Director (Finance) on deputation in DG AIR from Prasar Bharati
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 80/2019-PPC Administration 13/03/2019 Regarding retention of Shri G P Pothal, AE at NABM Bhubneshwar against vacant post of ADE in NABM Bhubneshwar Regarding retention of Shri G P Pothal, AE at NABM Bhubneshwar against vacant post of ADE in NABM Bhubneshwar
FINANCE WING Doordarshan 2016 BI Finance Wing 13/03/2019 Expenditure restrictions during the last month of the financial year 2018-19 under IEBR sub head Expenditure restrictions during the last month of the financial year 2018-19 under IEBR sub head
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan OO 38 Administration 13/03/2019 Declaration of Head Of Office Declaration of Head Of Office
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan Guidelines for Gender Sensitive Programming Administration 13/03/2019 Guidelines for Gender Sensitive Programming Guidelines for Gender Sensitive Programming
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/193704/CI/2019 Technical 13/03/2019 Call letter for “Orientation Course” of Assistant Director ( Engg. ) of All India Radio/Doordarshan from 22nd April to 03rd May, 2019 at NABM Delhi. Call letter for “Orientation Course” of Assistant Director ( Engg. ) of All India Radio/Doordarshan from 22nd April to 03rd May, 2019 at NABM Delhi.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat F.No. A 10011/36/2018 PPC(Pt) Administration 12/03/2019 ADDENDUM TO OFFICE ORDER No. 65/2019-PPC dated 28.02.2019 ADDENDUM TO OFFICE ORDER No. 65/2019-PPC dated 28.02.2019
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 75/2019-PPC Administration 12/03/2019 Instructions regarding unified transport service for Transport Wing of DG(News) All India Radio. Instructions regarding unified transport service for Transport Wing of DG(News) All India Radio.
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No B 1/011/1(I)2018 19/Budget/270 Finance Wing 12/03/2019 Expenditure restrictions during the last month of the financial year 2018-19 under IEBR sub-heads. Expenditure restrictions during the last month of the financial year 2018-19 under IEBR sub-heads.
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/193674/CI/2019 Technical 12/03/2019 Call letter for workshop on Air Conditioning System Window and Split Type Maintenance Techniques for Sr. Tech./Tech. (AIR DD) from 25.03.2019 to 29.03.2019 at NABM Delhi Call letter for workshop on Air Conditioning System Window and Split Type Maintenance Techniques for Sr. Tech./Tech. (AIR DD) from 25.03.2019 to 29.03.2019 at NABM Delhi