

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 344/2018-PPC Administration 14/12/2018 Regarding extension of deputation tenure of Sh S. Sivaramakrishnan, Staff Officer to CEO in Prasar Bharati Regarding extension of deputation tenure of Sh S. Sivaramakrishnan, Staff Officer to CEO in Prasar Bharati
ENGINEERING WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat T-1/003_1/2017-IT Technical 13/12/2018 Updation of Prasar Bharati Website - reg. Updation of Prasar Bharati Website – reg.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat M-1/001_5/2018-PBRB Administration 13/12/2018 Revised SOP on compassionate appointments in Prasar Bharati. Revised SOP on compassionate appointments in Prasar Bharati.
FINANCE WING Doordarshan No.G.20011/9.2018-BI Finance Wing 13/12/2018 Allocation of additional budget to 85 Kendras/Field Units in the head Salary and OAE under Revenue Non-Plan/IEBR during 2018-19 reg Allocation of additional budget to 85 Kendras/Field Units in the head Salary and OAE under Revenue Non-Plan/IEBR during 2018-19 reg
FINANCE WING Doordarshan #REF! Finance Wing 12/12/2018 Use of EAT module of PFMS by 2nd level Unit Kendras of DGDD and DGAIR Settlement of discrepancies thereof-reg Use of EAT module of PFMS by 2nd level Unit Kendras of DGDD and DGAIR Settlement of discrepancies thereof-reg
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 904/16/2017 Scor II Administration 12/12/2018 Formulation of Swachhta Action Plan 2019-20 Formulation of Swachhta Action Plan 2019-20
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No B-1/011/1_2018-19/Budget/204 Finance Wing 12/12/2018 Forwarding of Monthly Expenditure Statement (MES) for the month October, 2018 under Central Sector Schemes_Projects and Other Central Expenditure during the financial year 2018-19 in respect of Prasar Bharati. Forwarding of Monthly Expenditure Statement (MES) for the month October, 2018 under Central Sector Schemes_Projects and Other Central Expenditure during the financial year 2018-19 in respect of Prasar Bharati.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No A-10011/44/2018-PPC Administration 11/12/2018 Constitution of a Committee for monitoring the progress of Manpower Audit of Prasar Bharati Constitution of a Committee for monitoring the progress of Manpower Audit of Prasar Bharati
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 340/2018-PPC Administration 11/12/2018 Regarding posting of officers to the rank Assistant Engineer (on promotion) in various Prasar Bharati Establishments with immediate effect Regarding posting of officers to the rank Assistant Engineer (on promotion) in various Prasar Bharati Establishments with immediate effect
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 341/2018-PPC Administration 11/12/2018 Regarding posting of officers to the rank Assistant Engineer (on promotion) in various Prasar Bharati Establishments in the AIR Stations with immediate effect Regarding posting of officers to the rank Assistant Engineer (on promotion) in various Prasar Bharati Establishments in the AIR Stations with immediate effect
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No PB-7_1/2012-Fin/2261-70 Finance Wing 11/12/2018 Reg. Deduction of Income Tax (TDS) by clients banks and other Reg. Deduction of Income Tax (TDS) by clients banks and other
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan F.No.15/18/2016-S.I Administration 11/12/2018 Combined eligibility list of erstwhile staff artists and Production Assistant / Floor Assistant / Property Assistant of Doordarshan for promotion to the post of PEX Combined eligibility list of erstwhile staff artists and Production Assistant / Floor Assistant / Property Assistant of Doordarshan for promotion to the post of PEX
FINANCE WING Doordarshan No.G-25013/1/2016-BI Finance Wing 11/12/2018 Reconciliation of Inter-unit remittance-reg Reconciliation of Inter-unit remittance-reg
PROGRAMME WING Doordarshan 15/18/2016 SI Program Related 11/12/2018 Combined eligibility list of erstwhile staff artists and Production Assistant Floor Assistant Property Assistant of Doordarshan for promotion to the post of PEX Combined eligibility list of erstwhile staff artists and Production Assistant Floor Assistant Property Assistant of Doordarshan for promotion to the post of PEX
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan NABM Administration 11/12/2018 Inviting Nominations for Annual Training Calendar of NABMs and RABMs for the Year 2019-20 Inviting Nominations for Annual Training Calendar of NABMs and RABMs for the Year 2019-20
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 2016 S-1 Administration 11/12/2018 Combined eligibility list of erstwhile staff artists and Production Assistant / Floor Assistant / Property Assistant of Doordarshan for promotion to the post of PEX. Combined eligibility list of erstwhile staff artists and Production Assistant / Floor Assistant / Property Assistant of Doordarshan for promotion to the post of PEX.
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan NABM Administration 11/12/2018 Regarding Uploading of Annual Training Calendar 2019 -20 on DD Net Regarding Uploading of Annual Training Calendar 2019 -20 on DD Net
OPERATIONS/PBB Prasar Bharati Secretariat Office Memorandum - 6/2018-Ops Program Related 10/12/2018 Constitution of an inter-disciplinary committee for the Prasar Bharati Digital Platform. Constitution of an inter-disciplinary committee for the Prasar Bharati Digital Platform.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 339/2018-PPC Administration 10/12/2018 Regarding transfer of Sh U C Jain, DDE, O/o ADG(NZ) to CRD AIR Delhi Regarding transfer of Sh U C Jain, DDE, O/o ADG(NZ) to CRD AIR Delhi
PROGRAMME WING Doordarshan 1/1/2011 P6 Films Program Related 09/12/2018 Hindi Feature Film Procurement Portal along with the Hindi Feature Film Guidelines Hindi Feature Film Procurement Portal along with the Hindi Feature Film Guidelines