

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE MEMORANDUM No 228_2018 Contractual 10/08/2018 Verification and character and antecedents of contractual engages - Procedure reg Verification and character and antecedents of contractual engages – Procedure reg
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO 226_2018_PPC Administration 09/08/2018 Regarding promotion of STS officers of IBES Cadre of AIR and DD to the JAG and transfer/adjustment of officers in IBES Cadre. Regarding promotion of STS officers of IBES Cadre of AIR and DD to the JAG and transfer/adjustment of officers in IBES Cadre.
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No B_1_011_1_2018_19_Budget_101 Finance Wing 09/08/2018 Forwarding of Monthly Expenditure Statement (MES) for the month May, 2018 under Central Sector Schemes/Projects & Other Central Sector Expenditure during the financial year 2018-19 in respect of Prasar Bharati Forwarding of Monthly Expenditure Statement (MES) for the month May, 2018 under Central Sector Schemes/Projects & Other Central Sector Expenditure during the financial year 2018-19 in respect of Prasar Bharati
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 230_2018_PPC Administration 08/08/2018 Relieving of Smt. Neerja Tripathi, PS from Prasar Bharati w.e.f. 21.08.2018 Relieving of Smt. Neerja Tripathi, PS from Prasar Bharati w.e.f. 21.08.2018
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO 223 Administration 06/08/2018 Regarding extension of deputation tenure of Lt. Col. Manish Asthana, DDG (Security), DG:AIR Regarding extension of deputation tenure of Lt. Col. Manish Asthana, DDG (Security), DG:AIR
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO 224 Administration 06/08/2018 Regarding cancellation of transfers ordered in r/o Shri Pati Ram Nishad, ADE and Shri Sanjeev Dutta, ADE of DG:DDn and in their place, Sh. Sunil Kumar Sharma, ADE and Sh. Sunny Joseph, ADE transfer to Prasar Bharati Secretariat with immediate effect Regarding cancellation of transfers ordered in r/o Shri Pati Ram Nishad, ADE and Shri Sanjeev Dutta, ADE of DG:DDn and in their place, Sh. Sunil Kumar Sharma, ADE  and Sh. Sunny Joseph, ADE transfer to Prasar Bharati Secretariat with immediate effect
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO 225 Administration 06/08/2018 Regarding posting of Sh. R. K. Dabral, Stenographer and Sh. Vipin Kumar, PA in PB Sectt Regarding posting of Sh. R. K. Dabral, Stenographer and Sh. Vipin Kumar, PA in PB Sectt
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat M 1 181 2014 PPC Administration 06/08/2018 ORDER : Regarding Reconstitution of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), Prasar Bharati Secretariat to inquire into the sexual harassment complaints against Prasar Bharati Secretariat employees/casual & contractual employees working in PB Sectt. ORDER : Regarding Reconstitution of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), Prasar Bharati Secretariat to inquire into the sexual  harassment complaints against Prasar Bharati Secretariat employees/casual & contractual employees working in PB Sectt.
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat PB 10 14 2018 NPS 485_97 Finance Wing 02/08/2018 Error Rectification Module (ERM) - Mandatory updation of Bank details Error Rectification Module (ERM) – Mandatory updation of Bank details
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 222/2018-PPC Administration 31/07/2018 Regarding reporting and posting for duty of Shri P. Das, DDG(E) Regarding reporting and posting for duty of Shri P. Das, DDG(E)
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 221 Administration 31/07/2018 Regarding transfer of Shri Anil Kumar AD(E), P&D Unit, DG:AIR Regarding transfer of Shri Anil Kumar AD(E), P&D Unit, DG:AIR
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat F No R_5_011_112_2018_445 Administration 20/07/2018 Pro active discloser under the Right to Information Act 2005 Pro active discloser under the Right to Information Act 2005
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 205/2018-PPC Administration 19/07/2018 Regarding transfer of Shri M. Anandan, DDG(E), DDK Chennai to DDK Guwahati and transfer of Shri R. Kirshnadass, DDG(E), DDK Thiruvananthpuram to DDK Chennai Regarding transfer of Shri M. Anandan, DDG(E), DDK Chennai to DDK Guwahati and transfer of Shri R. Kirshnadass, DDG(E), DDK Thiruvananthpuram to DDK Chennai
ADMINISTRATION WING AIR News 24(16) Administration 12/06/2018 Nibandh Pratiyogita(NSD,AIR) Nibandh Pratiyogita(NSD,AIR)
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Accounting Circular no. 09 Finance Wing 29/05/2018 Guidelines to be Followed in Case of Merger of DDOs in Prasar Bharati- reg. Guidelines to be Followed in Case of Merger of DDOs in Prasar Bharati- reg.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat M 1 181 2014 PPC Administration 23/03/2018 Office Memorandum : Regarding Reconstitution of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), Prasar Bharati Secretariat. Office Memorandum : Regarding Reconstitution of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), Prasar Bharati Secretariat.
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat GST Circular No. 9 Finance Wing 09/02/2018 Procedure to be followed in case of journey performed on official tours - reg. Procedure to be followed in case of journey performed on official tours – reg.
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat GST Circular No. 8 Finance Wing 15/12/2017 Method for determining proportion of revenue attributable to States/UTs received for advertisement services to Central Govt., Union Territories, a statutory body or a local authority Method for determining proportion of revenue attributable to States/UTs received for advertisement services to Central Govt., Union Territories, a statutory body or a local authority
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No. ADG(BnA)/Acs/IUR/2016-17/1504-1519 Finance Wing 12/12/2017 Regarding Reconciliation of Inter-unit Remittance. Regarding Reconciliation of Inter-unit Remittance.
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat No. PB-7(14)(1)/2016-Fin/GST/1435-1448 Finance Wing 15/11/2017 Decentrailsation of GST related work at State/UT Level - reg. Decentrailsation of GST related work at State/UT Level – reg.