

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat D 13023/ 40/2019 -20/GA Administration 26/10/2020 CIRCULAR regarding Vigilance Awareness Week 2020 to be observed from 27th October to 2nd November 2O2O with the theme Satark Bharat, Samriddh Bharat CIRCULAR regarding Vigilance Awareness Week 2020 to be observed from 27th October to 2nd November 2O2O with the theme Satark Bharat, Samriddh Bharat
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 328/2020-PPC Administration 26/10/2020 Permission to work from Zonal Office Bengaluru as Zonal Head to Shri V Ramakanth DDG(P) and Zonal Head-Content Ops South Zone Permission to work from Zonal Office Bengaluru as Zonal Head to Shri V Ramakanth DDG(P) and Zonal Head-Content Ops South Zone
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 327/2020-PPC Administration 26/10/2020 Posting of Shri Ramprasad Kumre, ASO in DG:AIR Posting of Shri Ramprasad Kumre, ASO in DG:AIR
TECHNICAL WING Doordarshan Reg. AT No. 1866 Technical 26/10/2020 SITC of DD DTH Expansion by up gradation of Existing Two Compression Chain and Monitoring System at DTH Earth Station Todapur Delhi SITC of DD DTH Expansion by up gradation of Existing Two Compression Chain and Monitoring System at DTH Earth Station Todapur Delhi
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan DD/GST/Circular/2019-20 Administration 26/10/2020 Availing of Input Tax Credit regarding Availing of Input Tax Credit regarding
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/DEL/VAW -2020/D20-A14/2020-21 Administration 23/10/2020 Nominations invited for the online training(Webinar) on VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK-2020 from 30th October, 2020 to 31st October, 2020. Nominations invited for the online training(Webinar) on VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK-2020 from 30th October, 2020 to 31st October, 2020.
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat PBS (BnA)/ 20-21/CAS Finance Wing 23/10/2020 Guidelines regarding demand of Bonus and Festival Advance by DDOs through e-Salary and eAccount Modules Guidelines regarding demand of Bonus and Festival Advance by DDOs through e-Salary and eAccount Modules
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat PB 7(14)_1/2019-20 FIN/GST Finance Wing 23/10/2020 CORRIGENDUM regarding Implementation of E-Invoicing in Prasar Bharati wef 01-10-2020 CORRIGENDUM regarding Implementation of E-Invoicing in Prasar Bharati wef 01-10-2020
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat PB 7( 14)_1/2019-20 FIN/GST Finance Wing 23/10/2020 CORRIGENDUM for availing Input Tax Credit (ITC) CORRIGENDUM for availing Input Tax Credit (ITC)
ENGINEERING WING Doordarshan 05/2020 SIV E-HR Administration 23/10/2020 Transfer in the cadre of Assistant Engineer of Doordarshan Transfer in the cadre of Assistant Engineer of Doordarshan
FINANCE WING Doordarshan 28011/1/2019 BI Finance Wing 23/10/2020 Set of protocol for promotion of Digital Payments regarding Set of protocol for promotion of Digital Payments regarding
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat PB 7(14)_1/2018 FIN/GST Finance Wing 23/10/2020 Roles and Responsibilities in respect of GST Compliance Roles and Responsibilities in respect of GST Compliance
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat TC 01/011(1)2020-21/Tariff_CompNo_20849 Finance Wing 22/10/2020 TnC - CIRCULAR NO_11 of 2020 regarding Revised Airtime Rates for Programme Shree Krishna being telecast on DD-National TnC – CIRCULAR NO_11 of 2020 regarding Revised Airtime Rates for Programme Shree Krishna being telecast on DD-National
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 47/2020/S.III Administration 22/10/2020 Regarding declaration of head of Programme of DDK Leh Shri Vivek Azad, Programme Executive Regarding declaration of head of Programme of DDK Leh Shri Vivek Azad, Programme Executive
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan PF/688/SIII Administration 22/10/2020 Pay Fixation Order of AD(P)s on grant of financial benefit under ACP/MACP when posted as PEX Pay Fixation Order of AD(P)s on grant of financial benefit under ACP/MACP when posted as PEX
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 48/2020/S.III Administration 22/10/2020 Regarding declaration of Sh. Sudhansu Ranjan as HOO and HOP of the DDK Kolkata Regarding declaration of Sh. Sudhansu Ranjan as HOO and HOP of the DDK Kolkata
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 31013/03/2020 /S.III Administration 22/10/2020 Seniority list of JTS officers of IB(P)S cadre of Doordarshanrn Seniority list of JTS officers of IB(P)S cadre of Doordarshanrn
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat PB 7(14)_1/2019-20 FIN/GST Finance Wing 22/10/2020 Availing of Input Tax Credit (ITC) Availing of Input Tax Credit (ITC)
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat PB 7(14)_1/2019-20 FIN/E Invoicing Finance Wing 22/10/2020 Implementation of E-Invoicing in Prasar Bharati wef 01-10-2020 Implementation of E-Invoicing in Prasar Bharati wef 01-10-2020
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 322/2020-PPC Administration 21/10/2020 Merger of CP and S Doordarshan and Central Store of All India Radio with Technical/Engineering Procurement Cell of Prasar Bharati headed by ADG(Procurement) Prasar Bharati Merger of CP and S Doordarshan and Central Store of All India Radio with Technical/Engineering Procurement Cell of Prasar Bharati headed by ADG(Procurement) Prasar Bharati