

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 298/2020-PPC Administration 07/10/2020 Cancellation of transfer of Shri Mohit Mishra EA CES to DDG (Digital) Cancellation of transfer of Shri Mohit Mishra EA CES to DDG (Digital)
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 299/2020-PPC Administration 07/10/2020 Change in assignment/additional assignment of the officials and to work for Digital Operations/Digital Platform Change in assignment/additional assignment of the officials and to work for Digital Operations/Digital Platform
PROGRAMME WING NABM NABM/DEL/D20-P21/2020-21 Program Related 06/10/2020 Nomination for Online Training Programme on RADIO AGRIVISION- II on New Govt. Policy Intervention and Technology Innovation. Nomination for Online Training Programme on RADIO AGRIVISION- II on New Govt. Policy Intervention and Technology Innovation.
FINANCE WING Doordarshan DD/GST/Circular/2019-20 Finance Wing 06/10/2020 Five things must To Do in Sept 2020 Gst Returns by every GST Return Filer regarding Five things must To Do in Sept 2020 Gst Returns by every GST Return Filer regarding
FINANCE WING Doordarshan DD/GST/Circular/2019-20 Finance Wing 06/10/2020 Deduction of Income Tax TDS by clients banks and others regarding Deduction of Income Tax TDS by clients banks and others regarding
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 297/2020-PPC Administration 06/10/2020 Shifting of Zonal Head (Content Ops) South Zone from Bengaluru to Chennai Shifting of Zonal Head (Content Ops) South Zone from Bengaluru to Chennai
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Corrigendum to Office Order No. 291/2020-PPC Administration 05/10/2020 Corrigendum to Office Order 291/2020 PPC dated 24-09-2020 regarding Reallocation of sanction strength of various posts among Zonal heads of Prasar Bharati Corrigendum to Office Order 291/2020 PPC dated 24-09-2020 regarding Reallocation of sanction strength of various posts among Zonal heads of Prasar Bharati
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 21(5)/2020IU/257 64 Administration 05/10/2020 Compliance Report in respect of Outstanding Audit Paras pertaining to MIB - reg. Compliance Report in respect of Outstanding Audit Paras pertaining to MIB – reg.
MISCELLANEOUS Prasar Bharati Secretariat eFileNo_C-31013/03/2020-Vig_PB/3403 Administration 05/10/2020 CORPORATE VIGILANCE OFFICE DELHI - OFFICE ORDER regarding Joining order of Shri Sanjeev Kumar Gaur, AE joined as Vigilance Officer in Vigilance Wing of AIR CORPORATE VIGILANCE OFFICE DELHI – OFFICE ORDER regarding Joining order of Shri Sanjeev Kumar Gaur, AE joined as Vigilance Officer in Vigilance Wing of AIR
MISCELLANEOUS Prasar Bharati Secretariat eFileNo. C 31013/01/2020-Vig/3404 Administration 05/10/2020 CORPORATE VIGILANCE OFFICE - OFFICE ORDER regarding joining of Ms Richa Sharma, SO in Vigilance Wing of DD CORPORATE VIGILANCE OFFICE – OFFICE ORDER regarding joining of Ms Richa Sharma, SO in Vigilance Wing of DD
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 296/2020-PPC Administration 01/10/2020 Transfer of JAG level officers of IB(E)S Cadre Transfer of JAG level officers of IB(E)S Cadre
FINANCE WING Doordarshan DD/GST/Circular/2019-20 Finance Wing 01/10/2020 Regarding Guidelines of income tax Act 1961 Regarding Guidelines of income tax Act 1961
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat PB/7_14_1/2020-21 Fin/E-Invoicing Finance Wing 01/10/2020 Implementation of E Invoicing w_e_f 1st October 2020 Implementation of E Invoicing w_e_f 1st October 2020
MISCELLANEOUS Prasar Bharati Secretariat C-31013/01/2020-Vig PB/3325 Administration 01/10/2020 CORPORATE VIGILANCE OFFICE DELHI - OFFICE ORDER regarding Relieving of Ms Neelima Elizabeth Beck, SO from Vigilance Section of Doordarshan CORPORATE VIGILANCE OFFICE DELHI – OFFICE ORDER regarding Relieving of Ms Neelima Elizabeth Beck, SO from Vigilance Section of Doordarshan
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 295/2020-PPC Administration 30/09/2020 Curtailment of End of Tenure Leave of Shri R K Upadhyay, ex-ADG Curtailment of End of Tenure Leave of Shri R K Upadhyay, ex-ADG
PROGRAMME WING NABM File No. NABM/DEL/PT/ATC/2021-22 Program Related 30/09/2020 Inviting suggestions regarding theme/subjects for the Programme and Administrative trainings to be scheduled in Annual Training Calendar 2021-22 Inviting suggestions regarding theme/subjects for the Programme and Administrative trainings to be scheduled in Annual Training Calendar 2021-22
PROGRAMME WING NABM NABM/PT/D20-P26/Special/2020-21 Program Related 30/09/2020 Postponement of Hindi related webinar (rescheduled on 8th October 2020)rn Postponement of Hindi related webinar (rescheduled on 8th October 2020)rn
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 294/2020-PPC Administration 30/09/2020 Stand relieving of Ms Annie Joseph, UDC CCW from her present assignment Stand relieving of Ms Annie Joseph, UDC CCW from her present assignment
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/Webinar-37/2020-21 Establishment 30/09/2020 Inviting nominations for the online training programme on Social Media and Broadcasting for PEX PA TREX AE SEA EA Inviting nominations for the online training programme on Social Media and Broadcasting for PEX PA TREX AE SEA EA
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat TC 01/011(1)2020-21/Tariff_CompNo_11510 Finance Wing 30/09/2020 Clarifications in Circular No. 6 of 2020 regarding Airtime rates for DD National channel and various Regional Languages Satellite Services of Doordarshan (Regional DD Channels) Clarifications in Circular No. 6 of 2020 regarding Airtime rates for DD National channel and various Regional Languages Satellite Services of Doordarshan (Regional DD Channels)