

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
Programme DD Kashir Comp No. 43275 Programme 28/05/2024 Notice for returning of proposals invited by DD-Kashir in 2017 Notice for returning of proposals invited by DD-Kashir in 2017
Admin Prasar Bharati Secretariat M-1/001(03)/2024-PBRB Dated 13-05-2024 Admin 13/05/2024 Office Memorandum- Updation of data and uploading of documents of employees on HRIS- Reg Office Memorandum- Updation of data and uploading of documents of employees on HRIS- Reg
Account Prasar Bharati Secretariat ADG(B&A)/(AI)/A/Cs/2023-24/Policy/3 Dated 08-05-2024 Account 08/05/2024 FAQs on Receipt & Payment Account (EMS) FAQs on Receipt & Payment Account (EMS)
Admin Prasar Bharati Secretariat ADG(B&A)/(AI)/A/Cs/2023-24/02 Dated 04-04-2024 Admin 04/04/2024 Guidelines for closure of Annual accounts for the Financial Year 2023-24-reg Guidelines for closure of Annual accounts for the Financial Year 2023-24-reg
Admin Prasar Bharati Secretariat ADG(B&A)/(AI)/A/Cs/2023-24/BRS/01 Dated 01-04-2024 Admin 01/04/2024 Accounting Instructions Accounting Instructions
Admin Prasar Bharati Secretariat A-10011/5/2015-PPC/PBRB(Pt.file)(E-130944) Dated 30-04-2024 Admin 30/04/2024 Seeking information in r/o PB Employee for Health Insurance- regarding Seeking information in r/o PB Employee for Health Insurance- regarding
Account Section Prasar Bharati Secretariat ADG(B&A)/CAS Account Section 15/04/2024 Mandatory implementation of e-Accounts (Bahikhata) Module of CAS across Prasar Bharati Network Mandatory implementation of e-Accounts (Bahikhata) Module of CAS across Prasar Bharati Network
Account Section Prasar Bharati Secretariat (B&A)(A/Cs)/Accounts/2023-24/47/(1)/10 Dated 18-4-2024 Account Section 18/04/2024 Surrender amount of TSA Surrender amount of TSA
Account Section Prasar Bharati Secretariat ADG(B&A)(A/Cs)/Accounts/2023-24(1)/08 Dated 18-4-2024 Account Section 18/04/2024 Booking of Surrender amount of TSA in R&P Accounts for the FY 2023-2024-reg. Booking of Surrender amount of TSA in R&P Accounts for the FY 2023-2024-reg
Admin Prasar Bharati Secretariat ADG(B&A)/PB/Annual Account/2023-24/Fixed Assets/04 Dated 08-4-2024 Account 08/04/2024 Requirement of Maintenance of Fixed Assets Registers by all Stations of Prasar Bharati Requirement of Maintenance of Fixed Assets Registers by all Stations of Prasar Bharati
Account Prasar Bharati (B&A)(A/Cs)/Accounts/2023-24/47 Account 11/03/2024 Surrender amount of TSA Surrender amount of TSA
Regional News Unit RNU, DDK Bhopal DDN/Bhopal/05/2017-S/2747 Regional News Unit 05/03/2024 Request for approval of Stringer empanelment at Jabalpur, Raisen, Damoh, Narsingpur, Hoshangabad, Chhindwara & Mandia Request for approval of Stringer empanelment at Jabalpur, Raisen, Damoh, Narsingpur, Hoshangabad, Chhindwara & Mandia
Programme DDK Guwahati DDK/GUW/Prog-Admin/Nrityar Tale Tale/2023-24 Programme 13/12/2023 The revised date for submission of application up to 30-12-2023 for Dance reality Show- Nritya Tale Tale The revised date for submission of application up to 30-12-2023 for Dance reality Show- Nritya Tale Tale
Programme DDK Guwahati DDK/GUW/PROG-ADMIN/Nrityar Tale Tale/2023-24 Dated 05-12-2023 Programme 05/12/2023 Revised Form of inviting application for holding ‘Dance Reality Show “NRITYAR TALE TALE” Revised Form of inviting application for holding ‘Dance Reality Show “NRITYAR TALE TALE”
Programme Prasar Bharati Secretariat DDK/GUW/PROG-ADMIN/Nrityar Tale Tale/2023-24 Programme 21/11/2023 Revised Date- 15th Dec 2023 of Inviting application for holding Dance reality Show -NRITYA TALE TALE Revised Date- 15th Dec 2023 of Inviting application for holding Dance reality Show -NRITYA TALE TALE
Programme DG:DD Result Dance 17/11/2023 Result of Odissi Dance Audition for ‘B’ grade (DDK Bhubaneswar) Result of Odissi Dance Audition for ‘B’ grade (DDK Bhubaneswar)
Engineering DDK Kolkata KOL-TV/11(2)/Engg/2023-24/Circular Engineering 02/12/2023 Disposal of Defective/Unserviceable/Obsolete Engineering Items of DDK Kolkata Disposal of Defective/Unserviceable/Obsolete Engineering Items of DDK Kolkata
Programme DDK, Guwahati Programme 27/10/2023 The final result of Classical Dance Audition, 2023 held at DDK, Guwahati The final result of Classical Dance Audition, 2023 held at DDK, Guwahati
Programme DDK Guwahati DDK/GUW/Prog-Admin/Nrityar Tale Tale/2023-24/1432 Programme 16/10/2023 Dance Reality Show "NRITYA TALE TALE" - Competition Rules Dance Reality Show “NRITYA TALE TALE” – Competition Rules
Programme DDK Guwahati DDK/GUW/Prog-Admin/Nrityar Tale Tale/2023-24/1432 Programme 16/10/2023 Dance Reality Show "NRITYA TALE TALE" - Application Form Dance Reality Show “NRITYA TALE TALE” – Application Form