

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/Webinar-37-38/2020-21 Establishment 01/09/2020 NABM Delhi is inviting nominations for the two webinars Social Media in Broadcasting and Digital Audio Consolern(Studer) NABM Delhi is inviting nominations for the two webinars Social Media in Broadcasting and Digital Audio Consolern(Studer)
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat B 1/011 /1(1 )2020-21/Budget/ Finance Wing 01/09/2020 Expenditure statement for the month of July, 2020 under Central Sector Scheme and Other Central Expenditure during the financial year 2020-21 in respect of Prasar Bharati Expenditure statement for the month of July, 2020 under Central Sector Scheme and Other Central Expenditure during the financial year 2020-21 in respect of Prasar Bharati
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 28/4/2020 S II A /304 Administration 01/09/2020 Coverage under Central Civil Services Pension Rule 1972 in place of National Pension System of those Central Government employees whose selection for appointment was finalized before 01/01/2004 but who joined Government service on or after 01/01/2004rn Coverage under Central Civil Services Pension Rule 1972 in place of National Pension System of those Central Government employees whose selection for appointment was finalized before 01/01/2004 but who joined Government service on or after 01/01/2004rn
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 30/01/2020-S II A/290 Administration 31/08/2020 Circular in r/o Helper Cadre Circular in r/o Helper Cadre
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 261/2020-PPC Administration 31/08/2020 Extension of deputation period in respect of Dr Sanjay Kumar DDA DGDD Extension of deputation period in respect of Dr Sanjay Kumar DDA DGDD
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 260/2020-PPC Administration 31/08/2020 Creation of Pension and HR Coordination Cell in Prasar Bharati Secretariat Creation of Pension and HR Coordination Cell in Prasar Bharati Secretariat
ENGINEERING WING All India Radio CCW TRAINING 04092020 CCW Related 31/08/2020 Online training session on Important new CPWD publications Online training session on Important new CPWD publications
ENGINEERING WING All India Radio A-23011/02/2014-CW-I/1093 CCW Related 31/08/2020 Final combined seniority list in the Grade of Superintending Engineer Civil or Electrical CCW AIR as on 01 January 2020 Final combined seniority list in the Grade of Superintending Engineer Civil or Electrical CCW AIR as on 01 January 2020
ENGINEERING WING All India Radio A-23011/02/2014-CW-I/1094 CCW Related 31/08/2020 Revised final seniority list in the Grade of Superintending Engineer Civil CCW AIR as on 01 January 2020 Revised final seniority list in the Grade of Superintending Engineer Civil CCW AIR as on 01 January 2020
ENGINEERING WING Doordarshan Office Order 01/2020 SIV (E-HR) Technical 28/08/2020 Transfer in the cadre of Assistant Engineer of Doordarshan Transfer in the cadre of Assistant Engineer of Doordarshan
ENGINEERING WING Doordarshan Office Order 02/2020 SIV (E-HR) Technical 28/08/2020 Transfer representations in respect of Assistant Engineer Transfer representations in respect of Assistant Engineer
ENGINEERING WING Doordarshan Office Order 03/2020 SIV (E-HR) Technical 28/08/2020 Request of Assistant Engineers for Change of Place regarding. Request of Assistant Engineers for Change of Place regarding.
IT & PP Prasar Bharati Secretariat Circular No.7(163)/2019/IT/PBS IT 28/08/2020 IT CIRCULAR - Implementation of Talent Booking System (TBS) web browser based Application provided by IT Division IT CIRCULAR – Implementation of Talent Booking System (TBS) web browser based Application provided by IT Division
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Misc-1/001/08/2020-HR-C Contractual 28/08/2020 Group Personal Accident Policy in respect of contractual engagees across Prasar Bharati Group Personal Accident Policy in respect of contractual engagees across Prasar Bharati
TECHNICAL WING Doordarshan DD Free Dish Technical 27/08/2020 List of successful channels of 47th e auction held on 26/08/2020 for allotment of MPEG-4 slots for the period from 01/09/2020 to 31/03/2021 List of successful channels of 47th e auction held on 26/08/2020 for allotment of MPEG-4 slots for the period from 01/09/2020 to 31/03/2021
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan PB/SD/KB/2020/1/ Administration 27/08/2020 Celebrating Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi Celebrating Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat B 1/011/2(X)2020-21/Budget Finance Wing 27/08/2020 REMINDER II regarding Formulation of Revised Estimates 2020-21 and Budget Estimates 2021-22 under Central Sector Schemes CSS, Other Central Expenditure OCE and IEBR sub heads in respect of AIR and DD NABM PAO AIR and DD PB Archives PB Sports and Prasar Bh REMINDER II regarding Formulation of Revised Estimates 2020-21 and Budget Estimates 2021-22 under Central Sector Schemes CSS, Other Central Expenditure OCE and IEBR sub heads in respect of AIR and DD NABM PAO AIR and DD PB Archives PB Sports and Prasar Bharati Secretariat
IT & PP Prasar Bharati Secretariat 7(151)/2019-20 O/S DLI/IT/PBS IT 27/08/2020 IT CIRCULAR regarding Interim Measure for resolution of bug found in eFile while drafting/ noting IT CIRCULAR regarding Interim Measure for resolution of bug found in eFile while drafting/ noting
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan A-11019/03/2019-Estt Administration 27/08/2020 Pay and Allowances of Group A Officer of IBES/ IBPS/ IIS and CCW cadresrn Pay and Allowances of Group A Officer of IBES/ IBPS/ IIS and CCW cadresrn
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Misc-1001/3/2019-PPC Administration 27/08/2020 MoIB Circular regarding Filling up of one post of Director General in Films Division Mumbai on deputation basis MoIB Circular regarding Filling up of one post of Director General in Films Division Mumbai on deputation basis