

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/Webinar/29(CS)/2020-21 Technical 28/07/2020 Inviting Nominations for the online training on DVB T-2 Transmitter for AE/SEA/EA of Doordarshan scheduled from 01.09.2020 to 05.09.2020 from 1030 to 1315 hrs Inviting Nominations for the online training on DVB T-2 Transmitter for AE/SEA/EA of Doordarshan scheduled from 01.09.2020 to 05.09.2020 from 1030 to 1315 hrs
ADMINISTRATION WING All India Radio A-23011/02/2014-CW-I/904 Administration 28/07/2020 Final Seniority list in the Grade of Superintending Engineer Civil CCW AIR as on 01 January 2020 Final Seniority list in the Grade of Superintending Engineer Civil CCW AIR as on 01 January 2020
RTI Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 222/2020-PPC Administration 27/07/2020 Regarding Nodal CPIO, First Appellate Authority of RTI Matters related to PB Sectt and PBNS matters and CPIO of PBNS matters Regarding Nodal CPIO, First Appellate Authority of RTI Matters related to PB Sectt and PBNS matters and CPIO of PBNS matters
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat PB/ 2(8) Budget/2020-21/03 Finance Wing 27/07/2020 Budget Allocation for the year 2020-21 under Non-Plan IEBR for Long Term Advances only for Govt employees deemed deputation to Prasar Bharati Budget Allocation for the year 2020-21 under Non-Plan IEBR for Long Term Advances only for Govt employees deemed deputation to Prasar Bharati
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat TC 01/011_1_2020-21/Tariff (Comp No 11510) Finance Wing 27/07/2020 Clarification of TnC Circular No 6 of 2020 dated 25/07/2020 regarding Airtime Rates for DD National Channel and Various Regional Languages Satellite Services of Doordarshan (Regional DD Channels) Clarification of TnC Circular No 6 of 2020 dated 25/07/2020 regarding Airtime Rates for DD National Channel and Various Regional Languages Satellite Services of Doordarshan (Regional DD Channels)
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat 03/04/2019-LC Administration 27/07/2020 Prasar Bharati Circular No 03/04/2019 LC dated 5/9/2019 on Scheme for regularisation of irregular appointments/ engagements in Prasar Bharati AIR and DDn - Intimation about revised dates for submission of applications by the claimants forwarding these app Prasar Bharati Circular No 03/04/2019 LC dated 5/9/2019 on Scheme for regularisation of irregular appointments/ engagements in Prasar Bharati AIR and DDn – Intimation about revised dates for submission of applications by the claimants forwarding these applications by concerned HoO
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat TnC Circular No. 6 of 2020 Finance Wing 25/07/2020 Airtime Rates for DD National Channel and Various Regional Languages Satellite Services of Doordarshan (Regional DD Channels) Airtime Rates for DD National Channel and Various Regional Languages Satellite Services of Doordarshan (Regional DD Channels)
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan DCS Tender Administration 24/07/2020 Pre bid queries and clarifications regarding Calling Tenders for Work relating to GST ITC reconciliation for the financial year 2018-19 for Doordarshan Pre bid queries and clarifications regarding Calling Tenders for Work relating to GST ITC reconciliation for the financial year 2018-19 for Doordarshan
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat 1/1(2018) S/Admn-1 Administration 24/07/2020 Joining of Shri M S Ansari ADG-E as Zonal Head of (Administration North Zone) Joining of Shri M S Ansari ADG-E as Zonal Head of (Administration North Zone)
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat M-1/181/2014-PPC Administration 24/07/2020 Reconstitution of Internal Committee (IC) to inquire into cases of sexual harassment against regular employees and casual/contractual workers working in Prasar Bharati Secretariat and DD Sports below the level of ADG Reconstitution of Internal Committee (IC) to inquire into cases of sexual harassment against regular employees and casual/contractual workers working in Prasar Bharati Secretariat and DD Sports below the level of ADG
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/Webinar/28(CS)/2020-21 Technical 24/07/2020 Inviting nominations for online training on information and cyber security management. Inviting nominations for online training on information and cyber security management.
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 23/1/212/SII/245 Administration 24/07/2020 Work Allocation in respect of DDGs and DDAs in Doordarshan Directorate Work Allocation in respect of DDGs and DDAs in Doordarshan Directorate
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 220/2020-PPC Administration 24/07/2020 Stand relieve order of ESD staff to join new place of posting on transfer Stand relieve order of ESD staff to join new place of posting on transfer
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat PB/B 1011/7(19)/2019-20/Rel/01 Finance Wing 24/07/2020 Restoration of DDOship for Doordarshan Commercial Service (DCS) Restoration of DDOship for Doordarshan Commercial Service (DCS)
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/Webinar/20-24 Technical 24/07/2020 Inviting nominations for the online training (webinar) program on LED/LCD TV repairing Workshop for Senior Technicians/Technicians of Doordarshan rescheduled from24.08.2020 to 28.08.2020 Inviting nominations for the online training (webinar) program on LED/LCD TV repairing Workshop for Senior Technicians/Technicians of Doordarshan rescheduled from24.08.2020 to 28.08.2020
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 218/2020-PPC Administration 23/07/2020 Transfer of Shri B K Behera DDG(E) to Kolkata Transfer of Shri B K Behera DDG(E) to Kolkata
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan A-11019/5/2019/SIII Administration 22/07/2020 Instruction related to declaration of HOO HOP in Doordarshan Kendras for compliance and necessary action Instruction related to declaration of HOO HOP in Doordarshan Kendras for compliance and necessary action
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan A-11018/06/2018-Estt. Administration 22/07/2020 Furnishing of legacy data pertaining to NPS regardingrn Furnishing of legacy data pertaining to NPS regardingrn
ADMINISTRATION WING All India Radio SSW I/25 II/JECivil/AECivil-2020-608 Administration 22/07/2020 Shri Rajiv Garg SSW III in addition to his own duties will look after the work of Land Management System in CCW Shri Rajiv Garg SSW III in addition to his own duties will look after the work of Land Management System in CCW
ENGINEERING WING All India Radio SSW I/25 JE/AE/2020-608 CCW Related 22/07/2020 Additional charge of Shri Rajiv Garg SSW III and Transfer order of Shri Laxmi Chand AE Civil - P Additional charge of Shri Rajiv Garg SSW III and Transfer order of Shri Laxmi Chand AE Civil – P