

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 14/2/2020-SI Administration 02/06/2020 Draft Seniority List of Floor Assistant Draft Seniority List of Floor Assistant
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 13/1/2020-SI Administration 02/06/2020 Draft Seniority List of Floor Manager Draft Seniority List of Floor Manager
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 32013/1/2019/S.III Administration 02/06/2020 Promotion to the Junior Time Scale Joining report regarding Promotion to the Junior Time Scale Joining report regarding
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat M-1001/1/2019-PPC Administration 02/06/2020 Regarding Updation of Leave of IRLA and Non-IRLA officers Regarding Updation of Leave of IRLA and Non-IRLA officers
TECHNICAL WING Doordarshan DD Free Dish Technical 01/06/2020 Extension of last date to submit online applications for pro rata allotment of MPEG 2 slots of DD Free Dishrn Extension of last date to submit online applications for pro rata allotment of MPEG 2 slots of DD Free Dishrn
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat A 10/016/11/2020-HR C(pt II) Contractual 01/06/2020 OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding Transfer of the services of three Contractual Video Editors from DDKs to PBNS and Digital Platform OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding Transfer of the services of three Contractual Video Editors from DDKs to PBNS and Digital Platform
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 147/2020-PPC Administration 31/05/2020 Transfer of UDCs of ESD to PB Secretariat HR-C Division Transfer of UDCs of ESD to PB Secretariat HR-C Division
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 146/2020-PPC Administration 31/05/2020 Transfer of Sh KR Meena at cash section PBS Transfer of Sh KR Meena at cash section PBS
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat D 13023/15/2019-20/GA I/Part file Administration 31/05/2020 Precautionary Measures to Contain the spread of COVID 19 - Closure of Prasar Bharati House Tower C for sanitization Precautionary Measures to Contain the spread of COVID 19 – Closure of Prasar Bharati House Tower C for sanitization
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 148/2020-PPC Administration 31/05/2020 Extension of deputation tenure of Ms Kalpna Singh ADG-F DG DDn Extension of deputation tenure of Ms Kalpna Singh ADG-F DG DDn
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 144/2020-PPC Administration 30/05/2020 Repatriation and relieving of Ms Rajashree Nair ASO Repatriation and relieving of Ms Rajashree Nair ASO
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 145/2020-PPC Administration 30/05/2020 Tranafers of officers/officials to PBNS Tranafers of officers/officials to PBNS
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/Webinar/2020-21 Technical 29/05/2020 circular to call nominations for webinar on 2nd june 20 on Cost effective RemoternProduction solutions. webinar on 8th june 20- on understanding 4K, UHD I 8K, UHD II. circular to call nominations for webinar on 2nd june 20 on Cost effective RemoternProduction solutions. webinar on 8th june 20- on understanding 4K, UHD I 8K, UHD II.
PROGRAMME WING NABM NABM/DEL/D20-A09/ Batch-II A/2020 Administration 29/05/2020 Request to include nominations in the call letter of NIFM, Faridabad for Online Training on Public Procurement (Basic with special focus on GEM) Request to include nominations in the call letter of NIFM, Faridabad for Online Training on Public Procurement (Basic with special focus on GEM)
PROGRAMME WING NABM NABM/DEL/D20 A09 Administration 29/05/2020 Nominations for the Online Training on Public procurement for DDG/Director/Dy Director/ Asstt Director at NIFM from 25-26 June 2020 Nominations for the Online Training on Public procurement for DDG/Director/Dy Director/ Asstt Director at NIFM from 25-26 June 2020
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan DDN-5 Administration 29/05/2020 Sanitization of Office Premises on Detection of Covid Positive Case Sanitization of Office Premises on Detection of Covid Positive Case
PROGRAMME WING Doordarshan 11/21/2020-KC Program Related 29/05/2020 Additional charge of HoP DDK Leh Charge to HoP AIR Leh Additional charge of HoP DDK Leh Charge to HoP AIR Leh
ENGINEERING WING NABM NAMB/TC/203801(Summer Trg)/OI /2020 Technical 29/05/2020 Inviting nominations of Summer Vocational Online Training for IInd and IIIrd year B.E./B.Tech. StudentsColleges in Electronics and Communication Systems discipline through Webex platform. Inviting nominations of Summer Vocational Online Training for IInd and IIIrd year B.E./B.Tech. StudentsColleges in Electronics and Communication Systems discipline through Webex platform.
IT & PP Prasar Bharati Secretariat 7_151/2019-20_O/S DLl/IT/PBS IT 29/05/2020 Updation of post of an employee in eOffice on transfer Updation of post of an employee in eOffice on transfer
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 143/2020-PPC Administration 28/05/2020 Relieving of Sh P Das, DDG-E from DCS Relieving of Sh P Das, DDG-E from DCS