

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 114/2020-PPC Administration 27/03/2020 Assignment the additional charge of ADG E EZ AIR and DD alongwith the charge of ADG Prog/Admn ER-I and II to Shri P P Pal DDG E Assignment the additional charge of ADG E EZ AIR and DD alongwith the charge of ADG Prog/Admn ER-I and II to Shri P P Pal DDG E
ENGINEERING WING Doordarshan 8/1/2020-SIV/HRD-2/1 Technical 27/03/2020 Relieving of Doordarshan Engineering Officers/Officials Under Order of Transfer Relieving of Doordarshan Engineering Officers/Officials Under Order of Transfer
PROGRAMME WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat 25/1/2018-P6 (Films) Program Related 26/03/2020 Notice - Keeping in abeyance the process of e Auction of Hindi Feature Film Slots of DD National Channel, scheduled to be undertaken on 30th March 2020 Notice – Keeping in abeyance the process of e Auction of Hindi Feature Film Slots of DD National Channel, scheduled to be undertaken on 30th March 2020
PROGRAMME WING Doordarshan 25/1/2018-P6(Films) Program Related 26/03/2020 Keeping in abeyance the process of e-Auction, of Hindi Feature Film Slots of DD National Channel, scheduled to be undertaken on 30th March 2020 Keeping in abeyance the process of e-Auction, of Hindi Feature Film Slots of DD National Channel, scheduled to be undertaken on 30th March 2020
IT & PP Prasar Bharati Secretariat 03(1)11-E Procurement /2012/D P/Vol III / IT 26/03/2020 Advisory to all the office of Prasar Bharati including AIR and DD- regarding the E-Tendering/ E-Auction service Provider Advisory to all the office of Prasar Bharati including AIR and DD- regarding the E-Tendering/ E-Auction service Provider
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat D-13023/15/2019-20/GA-I/Part file Administration 25/03/2020 Office Memorandum regarding Precautionary Measures to Contain the spread of COVID-19 Office Memorandum regarding Precautionary Measures to Contain the spread of COVID-19
IT & PP Prasar Bharati Secretariat 03(1)11-E Procurement /2012/D P/III IT 25/03/2020 Letter to M/s ITI Ltd regading End of the Term of the Agreement between Prasar Bharati and M/s ITI Ltd, for e tendering, E auction solution in Prasar Bharati Letter to M/s ITI Ltd regading End of the Term of the Agreement between Prasar Bharati and M/s ITI Ltd, for e tendering, E auction solution in Prasar Bharati
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat CEO/PB/2(4)/2020 Administration 24/03/2020 CEO letter to The Chief Secretaries of All States and Union Territories regarding Request for Support in Ensuring Operational Continuity of Prasar Bharati (Doordarshan and All India Radio) Broadcast Services in view of threat of COVID 19 Outbreak CEO letter to The Chief Secretaries of All States and Union Territories regarding Request for Support in Ensuring Operational Continuity of Prasar Bharati (Doordarshan and All India Radio) Broadcast Services in view of threat of COVID 19 Outbreak
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO 112/2020-PPC Administration 24/03/2020 Transfer of Sh Raju Verghese,DDG (BnR) to AIR Thiruvananthapuram Transfer of Sh Raju Verghese,DDG (BnR) to AIR Thiruvananthapuram
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Office Order Administration 24/03/2020 Link Officer of R and D Link Officer of R and D
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 113/2020-PPC Administration 24/03/2020 Declaration of HOP and HOD in AIR Stations/Offices Declaration of HOP and HOD in AIR Stations/Offices
TECHNICAL WING Doordarshan DD Free Dish Technical 24/03/2020 Notice for keeping in abeyance the allotment process of vacant MPEG-2 slots of DD Free Dish Notice for keeping in abeyance the allotment process of vacant MPEG-2 slots of DD Free Dish
FINANCE WING Doordarshan Budget-2019-20 Finance Wing 23/03/2020 Precautionary measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 ( Work from Home) Precautionary measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 ( Work from Home)
OPERATIONS/PBB Prasar Bharati Secretariat Office Memorandum No. 04/2020-Ops. Program Related 23/03/2020 OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding Broadcast Guidelines during lockdown period OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding Broadcast Guidelines during lockdown period
ENGINEERING WING All India Radio SSWII CWI-AIR 2019-20-1196 CCW Related 23/03/2020 Staff Roster CCW AIR HQ COVID19 Staff Roster CCW AIR HQ COVID19
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat D-13023/15/2019-20/GA-I/Part file Administration 22/03/2020 Office Memorandum regarding Precautionary measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 Office Memorandum regarding Precautionary measures to contain the spread of COVID-19
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan A-11019/7/2019/S.III Administration 20/03/2020 Office Order no.15/2020/S.III Declaration of Hoo in r/o Sh. Ashok Kumar ,DE at DDK Dehradoon Office Order no.15/2020/S.III Declaration of Hoo in r/o Sh. Ashok Kumar ,DE at DDK Dehradoon
ENGINEERING WING All India Radio SSW I 25(2) JE E AE E P 2020 401 CCW Related 20/03/2020 Transfer order in cadre of Junior Engineer E Assistant Engineer E P in CCW AIR Transfer order in cadre of Junior Engineer E Assistant Engineer E P in CCW AIR
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat PB 9(13)_1/2019 Admn/Circular/1442 Administration 20/03/2020 Regarding Details of Debt Deposits and Remittance (DDRs) for 2018-19 Regarding Details of Debt Deposits and Remittance (DDRs) for 2018-19
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 904/51/2017-18/APIO/RTI/8 Administration 20/03/2020 Declaration of CPIOs DD Kashir and Security Cell DG:DD Declaration of CPIOs DD Kashir and Security Cell DG:DD