

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan IU Administration 03/03/2020 Compliance Report in Respect of Outstanding Audit Paras pertaining to MIB Compliance Report in Respect of Outstanding Audit Paras pertaining to MIB
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 904/51/2017-18/APIO/RTI/8 Administration 03/03/2020 Declaration of CPIOs DD Kashir and Security Cell DG:DD Declaration of CPIOs DD Kashir and Security Cell DG:DD
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 94/2020-PPC Administration 03/03/2020 Assignment the additional charge of ADG-Sales WZ and Head of Office of Sales Division Mumbai to Shri Neeraj Agarwal ADG(P) Assignment the additional charge of ADG-Sales WZ and Head of Office of Sales Division Mumbai to Shri Neeraj Agarwal ADG(P)
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 93/2020-PPC Administration 03/03/2020 Extension of deputation tenure of Shri Kanwarjeet Singh as DDA in Prasar Bharati Extension of deputation tenure of Shri Kanwarjeet Singh as DDA in Prasar Bharati
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Office Order NO: 1/2020-IFD Finance Wing 03/03/2020 Delegation of financial powers to Head of Department, Sports Wing in Prasar Bharati Secretariat Delegation of financial powers to Head of Department, Sports Wing in Prasar Bharati Secretariat
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat C 31013/1/2016-Vig/925 Administration 03/03/2020 DD Vigilance Section - Office Order regarding joining of Sh J B Kundu AE-Vig as Executive Engineer-Vig VTU II Soochna Bhawan New Delhi on 28/02/2020 in the forenoon DD Vigilance Section – Office Order regarding joining of Sh J B Kundu AE-Vig as Executive Engineer-Vig VTU II Soochna Bhawan New Delhi on 28/02/2020 in the forenoon
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat PB 9(13)_1/2019 Admn/Circular/1384-1392 Administration 03/03/2020 Regarding generation of PPO Number in respect of the pension cases not processing through Pension Module of PFMS Regarding generation of PPO Number in respect of the pension cases not processing through Pension Module of PFMS
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 91/2020-PPC Administration 02/03/2020 Additional work assignment of ADG E EZ AIR and DD along with the charge of ADG Prog and Admn of Eastern Region-I and II of AIR to Shri L K Pradhan ADG (E) M Additional work assignment of ADG E EZ AIR and DD along with the charge of ADG Prog and Admn of Eastern Region-I and II of AIR to Shri L K Pradhan ADG (E) M
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Corrigendum to OFFICE ORDER No 79/2020-PPC Administration 02/03/2020 Corrigendum to OFFICE ORDER No 79/2020-PPC dated 02/03/2020 regarding Shri Rajiv Kapoor, ADG Corrigendum to OFFICE ORDER No 79/2020-PPC dated 02/03/2020 regarding Shri Rajiv Kapoor, ADG
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/203754/TI/2020 Establishment 02/03/2020 Call letter for training programme o Virtual Studio for AE/SEA/EA of DD from 23rd March to 27th March 2020 at NABM Delhi. Call letter for training programme o Virtual Studio for AE/SEA/EA of DD from 23rd March to 27th March 2020 at NABM Delhi.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Office order Administration 02/03/2020 Result of 44th e auction - DD Free Dish Result of 44th e auction – DD Free Dish
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Office order Administration 02/03/2020 Key Highlights of 44th e- auction , DD Free Dish Key Highlights of 44th e- auction , DD Free Dish
TECHNICAL WING Doordarshan DD Free Dish Technical 02/03/2020 Result of second annual 44th e-auction of MPEG-2 slots of DD Free Dish Platform Result of second annual 44th e-auction of MPEG-2 slots of DD Free Dish Platform
TECHNICAL WING Doordarshan DD Free Dish Technical 02/03/2020 Key Highlights of Second Annual E-Auction of MPEG-2 Slots of DD Free Dish Key Highlights of Second Annual E-Auction of MPEG-2 Slots of DD Free Dish
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 92/2020-PPC Administration 02/03/2020 Extension of deputation for fourth year of Smt Abha Ambwani, Section Officer posted at DG:AIR Extension of deputation for fourth year of Smt Abha Ambwani, Section Officer posted at DG:AIR
ENGINEERING WING All India Radio SSW-II-21/488/13-S/182 Administration 02/03/2020 Joining order of Shri Rajesh Kumar Talwar as a EO-II to CE Joining order of Shri Rajesh Kumar Talwar as a EO-II to CE
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/203746/CI/2019 Establishment 02/03/2020 Call letter for Workshop on the Earth Station in AIR and Doordarshan for AE SEA and EAs of AIR/DD from 27th April 2020 to 1st May 2020 at NABM Delhi. Call letter for Workshop on the Earth Station in AIR and Doordarshan for AE SEA and EAs of AIR/DD from 27th April 2020 to 1st May 2020 at NABM Delhi.
ENGINEERING WING All India Radio 21/31/EE Civil-III/19-20-2784 Administration 28/02/2020 Joining order of Shri Satish Kumar Rohilla as a Executive Engineer Civil Div-III Joining order of Shri Satish Kumar Rohilla as a Executive Engineer Civil Div-III
RTI Prasar Bharati Secretariat G-1011/35/2020-IR Administration 28/02/2020 Pro-disclosure of information related to foreign visit of PB officers reg. Pro-disclosure of information related to foreign visit of PB officers reg.
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/203882/CI/2020 Establishment 28/02/2020 Nominations for the training on Public procurement (Advance) of Goods and work and services for DDG and DD - AIR DD Zonal Offices Directorate and Prasar Bharati Secretariat Program from 16th to 20th March 2020 at NIFM Faridabad. rnrn Nominations for the training on Public procurement (Advance) of Goods and work and services for DDG and DD – AIR DD Zonal Offices Directorate and Prasar Bharati Secretariat Program from 16th to 20th March 2020 at NIFM Faridabad. rnrn