

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan Administration 16/02/2021 Disposal of defective, unserviceable & obsolete equipment stored in the store at DDK Delhi Disposal of defective, unserviceable & obsolete equipment stored in the store at DDK Delhi
Administration DD News Administration 16/01/2021 माननीय महानिदेशक, दूरदर्शन समाचार की ओर से दूरदर्शन समाचार परिवार के लिए स्वच्छता अपील। माननीय महानिदेशक, दूरदर्शन समाचार की ओर से दूरदर्शन समाचार परिवार के लिए स्वच्छता अपील।
Administration NABM NABM/TC/DTH/2020-21 Administration 19/01/2021 Campaign on AIR / DD Network about Training Programmes (Webinar) on " Public Awareness about DD Free Dish (DTH) reg. Campaign on AIR / DD Network about Training Programmes (Webinar) on ” Public Awareness about DD Free Dish (DTH) reg.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat 03/11/2020-LC Administration 11/01/2021 Scheme for regularisation of irregular appointments/engagements in Prasar Bharati, All India Radio and Doordarshan -Clarification /removal of doubts. Scheme for regularisation of irregular appointments/engagements in Prasar Bharati, All India Radio and Doordarshan -Clarification /removal of doubts.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat 03/04/2019-LC -E Administration 07/01/2021 Extension of last date of submission of application on IARS Portal- Scheme for regularisation of irregular appointments/engagements in Prasar Bharati, All India Radio and Doordarshan Extension of last date of submission of application on IARS Portal- Scheme for regularisation of irregular appointments/engagements in Prasar Bharati, All India Radio and Doordarshan
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat 03/04/2019-LC-E Administration 06/01/2021 Scheme for regularisation of irregular appointments/ engagements in Prasar Bharati(AIR and DD) - Extension of last date of submission of applications on IARS Portal Scheme for regularisation of irregular appointments/ engagements in Prasar Bharati(AIR and DD) – Extension of last date of submission of applications on IARS Portal
TECHNICAL WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat DD Free Dish Technical 05/01/2021 Genre wise list of TV channels available on DD Free Dish as on 05/01/2021 Genre wise list of TV channels available on DD Free Dish as on 05/01/2021
TECHNICAL WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat DD Free Dish Technical 28/12/2020 List of successful channel of 51st e auction held on 28/12/2020 for allotment of MPEG 2 slots for the period from 01/01/2021 to 31/03/2021 List of successful channel of 51st e auction held on 28/12/2020 for allotment of MPEG 2 slots for the period from 01/01/2021 to 31/03/2021
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/Webinar/203927/2020-21 Establishment 28/12/2020 Call letter for the online training (webinar) program on Orientation Course for newly promoted Helper to Technicians AIR/Doordarshan scheduled from 11-22 January 2021. NABM/TC/Webinar/203927/2020-21
TECHNICAL WING Doordarshan DD Free Dish Technical 22/12/2020 List of successful channels of 50th e auction held on 21/12/2020 for allotment of MPEG 2 slots for the period from 29/12/2020 to 31/03/2021 DD Free Dish
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat GST CIRCULAR NO. 24 Finance Wing 22/12/2020 Amendment in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of revenue), No_35/2020 Central Tax dated 03/04/2O20 vide CBIC Notification No_91/2020 dated 14/12/2020 Amendment in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of revenue), No_35/2020 Central Tax dated 03/04/2O20 vide CBIC Notification No_91/2020 dated 14/12/2020
TECHNICAL WING Doordarshan DD Free Dish Technical 21/12/2020 Notice inviting applications to fill up vacant MPEG 4 slots of DD Free Dish on pro rata basis for the period from 01/01/2021 to 31/03/2021 through 51st e-auction Notice inviting applications to fill up vacant MPEG 4 slots of DD Free Dish on pro rata basis for the period from 01/01/2021 to 31/03/2021 through 51st e-auction
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/WEBINAR-203939/2020-21 Establishment 17/12/2020 NABM Delhi is inviting nominations for the online training program on Artificial Intelligence for DE DDE ADE AE SEA EA AIR/DD from 04 to 08 January 2021. NABM Delhi is inviting nominations for the online training program on Artificial Intelligence for DE DDE ADE AE SEA EA AIR/DD from 04 to 08 January 2021.
MISCELLANEOUS Prasar Bharati Secretariat 03/04/2019-LC Administration 16/12/2020 LEGAL CELL - CIRCULAR regarding Launching of IARS (Inviting applications under regularisation Scheme) IT Portal for Scheme for regularisation of irregular appointments/engagements in Prasar Bharati_All India Radio and Doordarshan LEGAL CELL – CIRCULAR regarding Launching of IARS (Inviting applications under regularisation Scheme) IT Portal for Scheme for regularisation of irregular appointments/engagements in Prasar Bharati_All India Radio and Doordarshan
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/WEBINAR-46/203925/2020-21 Establishment 15/12/2020 Rescheduling online training program on DRM TransmitterNautel for AE SEA EA (AIR) from 16.12.2020 to 22.12.2020 by NABM Delhi. Rescheduling online training program on DRM TransmitterNautel for AE SEA EA (AIR) from 16.12.2020 to 22.12.2020 by NABM Delhi.
TECHNICAL WING Doordarshan DD Free Dish Technical 15/12/2020 Notice inviting applications to fill up vacant MPEG 2 slots of DD Free Dish on pro rata basis for the period from 29/12/2020 to 31/03/2021 through 50th e auction Notice inviting applications to fill up vacant MPEG 2 slots of DD Free Dish on pro rata basis for the period from 29/12/2020 to 31/03/2021 through 50th e auction
PROGRAMME WING NABM NABM/DEL/Online Webinar/D20-A15/2020-21 Administration 15/12/2020 Inviting Nominations for Webinar on Ethics And Values In Administration on 13th January 2020 Inviting Nominations for Webinar on Ethics And Values In Administration on 13th January 2020
ENGINEERING WING All India Radio A-19011/02/93-CW-I/1400 CCW Related 14/12/2020 Transfer or posting order bearing order no 33/2019-CW-I Transfer or posting order bearing order no 33/2019-CW-I
ENGINEERING WING All India Radio A 19012/07/2018-CW-I/1403-1411 CCW Related 14/12/2020 Voluntary Retirement of Shri Kumud Chandra Dekha ASW Electrical, Guwahati Voluntary Retirement of Shri Kumud Chandra Dekha ASW Electrical, Guwahati