

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/193717/AI/2019 Technical 08/08/2019 Nominations for the training programme on 500W Automode LPT(IMP) for AE/SEA/EA of DD rescheduled from 14-18 October, 2019 at NABM Delhi Nominations for the training programme on 500W Automode LPT(IMP) for AE/SEA/EA of DD rescheduled from 14-18 October, 2019 at NABM Delhi
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat PB 9(13)_1/2019 Admn/Circular/404_408 Finance Wing 08/08/2019 Publishing of user charges on the Department website as per Rule 47 of GFR 2017 - reg. Publishing of user charges on the Department website as per Rule 47 of GFR 2017 – reg.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO 276/2019-PPC Administration 07/08/2019 Regarding posting of Sh. Vipin Kumar, PA and reporting to Head of Sales, Prasar Bharati Regarding posting of Sh. Vipin Kumar, PA and reporting to Head of Sales, Prasar Bharati
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/193783/AI/2019 Technical 07/08/2019 Call letter for course on Digital Audio Console (Studer) for AE/SEA/EA of AIR from 19-23 August 2019 at NABM Delhi Call letter for course on Digital Audio Console (Studer) for AE/SEA/EA of AIR from 19-23 August 2019 at NABM Delhi
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/193785/ORGI/2019 Technical 07/08/2019 Call letter for “Induction Course " for Directly recruited Officials of Mape Cadre of ORGI from 19th August to 13th September, 2019 at NABM Delhi Call letter for “Induction Course” for Directly recruited Officials of Mape Cadre of ORGI from 19th August to 13th September, 2019 at NABM Delhi
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan PV Administration 07/08/2019 73rd Independence Day 2019 Celebrations Live coverage matter thereof 73rd Independence Day 2019 Celebrations Live coverage matter thereof
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/193715/TI/2019 Technical 06/08/2019 Call letter for training program on “Virtual Studio" for AE/SEA/EAs of Doordarshan from 2nd to 6th September, 2019 at NABM Delhi. Call letter for training program on “Virtual Studio” for AE/SEA/EAs of Doordarshan from 2nd to 6th September, 2019 at NABM Delhi.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 275/2019-PPC Administration 05/08/2019 Regarding reporting of ADG(Finance) of both the Directorates to Member Finance, Prasar Bharati Regarding reporting of ADG(Finance) of both the Directorates to Member Finance, Prasar Bharati
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan NABM Administration 05/08/2019 Inviting Nominations for Workshop on Development Communication Inviting Nominations for Workshop on Development Communication
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/193784/TI/2019 Technical 02/08/2019 Call letter for Training Program on Basic and Advance module of BARC “BMW" software for Officers of AR Units/Programme from 05-06 August, 2019 at NABM Delhi Call letter for Training Program on Basic and Advance module of BARC “BMW” software for Officers of AR Units/Programme from 05-06 August, 2019 at NABM Delhi
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 274/2019-GA Contractual 02/08/2019 Regarding engagement of 4 persons as Sr. Software Developer on full time contract basis in Prasar Bharati Secretariat Regarding engagement of 4 persons as Sr. Software Developer on full time contract basis in Prasar Bharati Secretariat
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Addendum to Circular 1 of 2019 Finance Wing 02/08/2019 Addendum to Circular 1 of 2019 regarding Tariff for On-Screen Properties for DD News Channel. Addendum to Circular 1 of 2019 regarding Tariff for On-Screen Properties for DD News Channel.
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat TnC_Circular 7 of 2019 Finance Wing 02/08/2019 Regarding Tariff for On-Screen Properties for DD News Channel. Regarding Tariff for On-Screen Properties for DD News Channel.
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat PB 8(3)/2019 Admn/GPF/346-365 Finance Wing 02/08/2019 OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding obtaining prior sanction from HoO/HoD in respect of GPF bills OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding obtaining prior sanction from HoO/HoD in respect of GPF bills
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/193771/CI/2019 Technical 01/08/2019 Call letter for “Refresher Course" for Helpers(AIR/DD) from 5th to 9th August, 2019 at NABM Delhi. Call letter for “Refresher Course” for Helpers(AIR/DD) from 5th to 9th August, 2019 at NABM Delhi.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Office Order Administration 31/07/2019 Applications from private satellite TV channels for pro-rata allotment of MPEG-2 vacant slots on DD Free Dish DTH Platform for the period from 16.08.2019 to 29.02.2020 Applications from private satellite TV channels for pro-rata allotment of MPEG-2 vacant slots on DD Free Dish DTH Platform for the period from 16.08.2019 to 29.02.2020
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Misc 1/001(7) 2017-18/Budget/84 Finance Wing 31/07/2019 Regarding additional charge of Audit Section assigned to Shri Mohan Gaur, Sr.AO Regarding additional charge of Audit Section assigned to Shri Mohan Gaur, Sr.AO
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 272/2019-PPC Administration 31/07/2019 Regarding change the Reviewing Officer of DDOs of Doordarshan Network and AIR Network in Delhi Regarding change the Reviewing Officer of DDOs of Doordarshan Network and AIR Network in Delhi
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/193771/CI/2019 Technical 31/07/2019 Call letter for “Refresher Course" for Helpers(AIR/DD) from 5th to 9th August, 2019 at NABM Delhi. Call letter for “Refresher Course” for Helpers(AIR/DD) from 5th to 9th August, 2019 at NABM Delhi.
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/193784/TI/2019 Technical 31/07/2019 Call letter for Training Program on Basic and Advance module of BARC “BMW" software for Officers of AR Units/Programme from 05-06 August, 2019 at NABM Delhi. Call letter for Training Program on Basic and Advance module of BARC “BMW” software for Officers of AR Units/Programme from 05-06 August, 2019 at NABM Delhi.