
Symphony of India

Create in India Challenge- Season 1


Click here to register now :

Terms and Conditions for Registration and Participation Eligibility:

  • 1. Age Group: Participants must be between 18 and above.
  • 2. Citizenship: Participation is open to Indian citizens only.
  • 3. Categories: Open to Vocal Solo, Vocal Group, Solo musicians specialising in musical instruments.
Entry Submission Requirements:
  • 4. Audition Material:
    • Participants must submit recorded performances of their chosen instrument.
    • Recording should reflect the musician’s unique style, expertise, and musical progression, demonstrating the ability to handle complex compositions.
      Vocalist to submit original composition or song which does not have any copyrights infringement.
    • Last Date to submission 25th November 2024.
  • 5. Performance Duration:Each musical piece should be maximum 2 minutes in length.
  • 6. Variety: Ensure submitted piece is distinct and showcases the performer’s versatility and range.
  • 7. Submission Format:
    • Recordings must be submitted in Mp4 format.
    • The recordings should adhere to a 48 kHz, 16-bit format.
Registration Process:
  • 8. Online Registrations: All registrations will be accepted online. The link for registration will be available on the website.
  • 9. Audition Material Submission: Audition material will be submitted through the same platform, following the above-mentioned guidelines.
Competition Rounds:
  • 10. Preliminary Round: A rigorous online audition process will shortlist participants based on their submitted recordings. After selection of best 40-50 musician, formation of symphony across 4 zones and competition will progress as a group.
  • 11. Semi-final and Final Rounds:
    • Best 8 Symphony (group) will be selected for semi final and 3 winner will be selected and 2 runner-up.
    • Celebrity jury members will evaluate and judge the final contestants.
  • 12. Final Winners: In all 3 winners will be selected. Five top-tier winners will be selected.
  • 13. Telecast: The entire competition, including performances and results, will be broadcast as a 26-episode series on Doordarshan and its regional channels.
  • 14. Regional Showcases: Participants who qualify for the regional showcases will perform at regional Kendra-level events, identifying the most promising performers.
  • 15. Grand Finale: The top-tier performers selected from the regional showcases will participate in the Grand Finale.
General Conditions:
  • 16. Jury Decision: The decision of the celebrity jury and regional judges will be final and binding.
  • 17. Permissions: By submitting their entries, participants grant Prasar Bharati the right to telecast and promote their performances across any Prasar Bharati platforms, including Doordarshan and its regional channels.
  • 18. Expenses: Participants are responsible for their travel and accommodation expenses for state-level auditions and subsequent rounds, if applicable.

These terms will ensure transparency and smooth management of the Symphony of India challenge providing a grand platform for India’s finest traditional instrumental musicians.

Click here to know more about: The General Terms & Conditions.