Integrity Pledge
CVC e-Pledge
Dear visitor
Welcome to the Vigilance Wing of Prasar Bharati
Please feel free to approach the Vigilance Wing with complaints regarding cases of corruption which you might come across, in your dealings with the Prasar Bharati (AIR and Doordarshan). Your support could bring better and faster change in elimination of corruption and thus qualitative improvement in working of AIR and Doordarshan.
For more information, contact:
Ms.Rakhi Vimal Chief Vigilance Officer
Room No. 526, Tower ‘A’, Doordarshan Bhawan Copernicus Marg, Mandi House New Delhi – 110001 Tel: 011-23114505
Room No. 147 Akashwani Bhawan, Parliament Street New Delhi – 110001 Tel: 011-23421248 Fax: 011-23421116
Email: cvopb[at]prasarbharati[dot]gov[dot]in
About Us
Vigilance Unit, Prasar Bharati is the nodal section for handling all vigilance matters of the Prasar Bharati (Doordarshan & AIR). The Chief Vigilance Officer, Ms. Rakhi Vimal, heads this unit. The vigilance unit works in close coordination with the Vigilance Unit of the Ministry of I&B and the Central Vigilance Commission.
The functions of Vigilance Wing in Prasar Bharati are:
- To investigate the complaints from various sources including PIDPI.
- To initiate departmental disciplinary proceedings, wherever necessary and to take the proceedings to their logical conclusion and with the approval of the competent disciplinary authority.
- To conduct inspections of different offices for the purpose of preventive vigilance.
- To make recommendations for system improvement where-ever necessary to improve the operational and the administrative functioning of Prasar Bharati.
- To investigate in detail of paras raised by CTE in their intensive examination.
- To process the requisitions seeking vigilance clearance.
The functions of CVO are: One of the most important functions of the Chief Vigilance Officer is to take preventive measures against corruption and other malpractices apart from detection and punishment of those involved in corrupt practices. Broadly, the roles and functions of the CVO are as follows:
- To examine in detail the existing Rules and procedures of the Organization with a view to eliminate or minimize the scope for corruption or malpractices.
- To identify sensitive/corruption prone areas in the Organization and to keep an eye on personnel posted in such areas.
- To plan and enforce surprise inspections and regular inspections to detect system failures and existence of corruption or malpractices.
- To maintain proper surveillance on officers of doubtful integrity.
- To ensure prompt observance of Conduct Rules relating to integrity of the Officers such as:
- Annual Property Returns
- Gift accepted by the official
- Benami transactions
- Employment of relatives in private firms or private business etc.
- To ensure speedy processing of vigilance/disciplinary cases at all stages. In cases requiring a decision with regard to vigilance angle and those requiring consultation with the Central Vigilance Commission, a decision shall in every case be taken by the CVO.
- To ensure that at the time of issue of charge sheet, statement of imputations, lists of witnesses and documents etc. are carefully prepared and copies of all the documents relied upon and the statements of witnesses cited on behalf of the disciplinary authority are supplied wherever possible to the charged officer along with the charge sheet.
- To ensure that all documents required to be forwarded to the Inquiring Officer are carefully sorted out and sent promptly.
- To ensure that there is no delay in the appointment of Inquiring Officer and Presenting Officer and that no dilatory tactics are adopted by the accused officer or the Presenting Officer.
- To ensure that the processing of the Inquiry Officer’s report for final orders of Disciplinary Authority is done properly and quickly
- To scrutinize final orders passed by the Disciplinary Authorities subordinate to Ministry/Department, with a view to see whether a case for review is made out or not.
- To see that proper assistance is given to the C.B.I. in the investigation of cases entrusted to them or started by them on their own source of information.
- To take proper and adequate action with regard to writ petitions/ court cases filed by accused officers.
- To ensure that the Central Vigilance Commission is consulted at all stages where it is to be consulted and that as far as possible; the time limits prescribed in the Vigilance Manual for various stages are adhered to.
- To ensure prompt submission of returns to the Central Vigilance Commission.
Ms.Rakhi Vimal
Chief Vigilance Officer
Vigilance Awareness Week-2021
स्वतंत्र भारत @ 75 : सत्यनिष्ठा से आत्मनिर्भरता (Independent India @75 : Self Reliance with Integrity)
Vigilance Awareness Week is observed every year during the week in which the birthday of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (31st October) falls. In a move towards commemorating 75 years of India’s Independence which falls on August 15, 2022, CVC in carrying out its duty as the apex anti-corruption body in the country, reaffirms its resolve to fight corruption and ensure integrity in public life to usher in a new era of a self-reliant India. Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week is one of the tools used by the Commission to bring together all stakeholders to collectively participate in the prevention of, and the fight against corruption and to raise public awareness regarding the existence, causes and gravity of and the threat posed by corruption.
Vigilance Awareness Week, 2021 to be observed from 26th October to 1st November 2021