

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 38/2019-PPC Administration 04/02/2019 Transfer of Sh. Dharamraj Section Officer from DG:AIR to DG:DDn Transfer of Sh. Dharamraj Section Officer from DG:AIR to DG:DDn
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 39/2019-PPC Administration 04/02/2019 Regarding extension of deputation tenure in respect of Lt. Col. Kalyan Das as Deputy Director General (Admn.), DG:DDn Regarding extension of deputation tenure in respect of Lt. Col. Kalyan Das as Deputy Director General (Admn.), DG:DDn
FINANCE WING Doordarshan BI Finance Wing 04/02/2019 Allocation of additional budget to 11 Kendras Field Units in the head Software Programme Expenses under Revenue Non Plan IEBR during 2018-19 Allocation of additional budget to 11 Kendras Field Units in the head Software Programme Expenses under Revenue Non Plan IEBR during 2018-19
FINANCE WING Doordarshan BI Finance Wing 04/02/2019 Allocation of additional budget under the sub head Other Charges under Revenue Non Plan for the year 2018-19 Allocation of additional budget under the sub head Other Charges under Revenue Non Plan for the year 2018-19
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 35/2019-PPC Administration 31/01/2019 Regarding reporting for duty at Prasar Bharati Secretariat by Sh. Rabindra Kumar, Assistant Engineer Regarding reporting for duty at Prasar Bharati Secretariat by Sh. Rabindra Kumar, Assistant Engineer
ENGINEERING WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat F.No. 7(151)/2018/IT/PBS/03 Technical 31/01/2019 e-Office Implementation at Prasar Bharati and Official Email ID Creation e-Office Implementation at Prasar Bharati and Official Email ID Creation
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan Scor II Administration 31/01/2019 Establishment of Creche regarding Establishment of Creche  regarding
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan SIII Administration 31/01/2019 Retirement order of Shri Akhilesh Kumar Mishra, PEX DG:DD Retirement order of Shri Akhilesh Kumar Mishra, PEX DG:DD
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan SII Administration 31/01/2019 Three days workshop on Microsoft Three days workshop on Microsoft
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan SI (A) Administration 30/01/2019 Transfer Order of Smt. Manisha Srivastava Graphic Artist Transfer Order of Smt. Manisha Srivastava Graphic Artist
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 34/2019-PPC Administration 30/01/2019 Regarding relieving of Shri R. N. Kulshreshtha, Section Officer (on deputation) from Prasar Bharati w.e.f. 31.01.2019 (A.N.). Regarding relieving of Shri R. N. Kulshreshtha, Section Officer (on deputation) from Prasar Bharati w.e.f. 31.01.2019 (A.N.).
OPERATIONS/PBB Prasar Bharati Secretariat Office Memorandum - 3/2019-Ops. Program Related 30/01/2019 Regarding the arrangement to streamline the process of uploading various DD Channels/Kendras programmes on the YouTube. Regarding the arrangement to streamline the process of uploading various DD Channels/Kendras programmes on the YouTube.
FINANCE WING Doordarshan BI Finance Wing 30/01/2019 Set of Protocol for promotion of Digital Payments in Autonomous Bodies and Public Sector Undertakings Set of Protocol for promotion of Digital Payments in Autonomous Bodies and Public Sector Undertakings
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan SIII Administration 30/01/2019 Successful completion of probation period of Direct Recruit Programme Executives Successful completion of probation period of Direct Recruit Programme Executives
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan OO No. 15 Administration 30/01/2019 Releiving Order Shri. Ratikesh, PEX DD Kisan Releiving Order Shri. Ratikesh, PEX DD Kisan
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 30/2019-PPC Administration 29/01/2019 Regarding reporting for duty by Ms. Syamala V, SEA (promotion as Assistant Engineer) in Finance Wing of Prasar Bharati Secretariat w.e.f. 22.01.2019 (A.N.) Regarding reporting for duty by Ms. Syamala V, SEA (promotion as Assistant Engineer) in Finance Wing of Prasar Bharati Secretariat w.e.f. 22.01.2019 (A.N.)
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 31/2019-PPC Administration 29/01/2019 Regarding posting in NABM of Shri P. Das, DDG(E), DCS, DG:DDn Regarding posting in NABM of Shri P. Das, DDG(E), DCS, DG:DDn
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 32/2019-GA Administration 29/01/2019 Regarding extension of contractual engagement tenure of 3 persons in PB Sectt. Regarding extension of contractual engagement tenure of 3 persons in PB Sectt.
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan SIII Administration 29/01/2019 Declaration of Shri Mohd. Ali AE as Head of Office DDK Leh Declaration of Shri Mohd. Ali AE as Head of Office DDK Leh
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan Scor II Administration 29/01/2019 Recognition of Association of AIR and Doordarshan under CCS Rules, 1993 Recognition of Association of AIR and Doordarshan under CCS Rules, 1993