

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Misc-1/001/15/2019-HR-C Contractual 21/04/2020 OFFICE MEMORANDUM - Extension of tenure of contractuals of Prasar Bharati engaged under the provision of CEP 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM – Extension of tenure of contractuals of Prasar Bharati engaged under the provision of CEP 2012
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Misc-1/001/15/2019-HR-C Contractual 21/04/2020 OFFICE MEMORANDUM - Payment of remuneration to the contractuals, engaged under the rnprovision of CEP 2012, for the month of April 2020 OFFICE MEMORANDUM – Payment of remuneration to the contractuals, engaged under the rnprovision of CEP 2012, for the month of April 2020
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat D-13023/15/2019-20/GA-I/Part file Administration 21/04/2020 Office Memorandum regarding Precautionary Measures to Contain the spread of COVID-19 (regarding departmental canteen in various offices of Prasar Bharati) Office Memorandum regarding Precautionary Measures to Contain the spread of COVID-19 (regarding departmental canteen in various offices of Prasar Bharati)
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 122/2020-PPC Administration 20/04/2020 All transfer orders as per PB Sectt OFFICE ORDER NO 192/2020-PPC and OFFICE ORDER NO 121/2020-PPC, kept in abayence All transfer orders as per PB Sectt OFFICE ORDER NO 192/2020-PPC and OFFICE ORDER NO 121/2020-PPC, kept in abayence
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 124/2020-PPC Administration 20/04/2020 Extension of deputation tenure of Shri Mukul Kumar Sinha, ASO Extension of deputation tenure of Shri Mukul Kumar Sinha, ASO
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 123/2020-PPC Administration 20/04/2020 Extension of deputation tenure of Ms Renu Mehta, PS Extension of deputation tenure of Ms Renu Mehta, PS
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM T /31(32)/2017 Technical 20/04/2020 Filling up the post of faculty at NABM, Delhi- One post of JAG (DDG) Filling up the post of faculty at NABM, Delhi- One post of JAG (DDG)
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat TC 1/011_1/2019-20/Tariff_Part Finance Wing 20/04/2020 TnC Circular No 1/2020 regarding Airtime Rates for DD Retro channel TnC Circular No 1/2020 regarding Airtime Rates for DD Retro channel
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat D 13023/15/2019-20/GA-I/Part file Administration 19/04/2020 OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding Precautionary Measures to Contain the spread of COVID-19 OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding Precautionary Measures to Contain the spread of COVID-19
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat D 13023/15/2019-20/GA-I/Part file Administration 17/04/2020 Office Memorandum regarding Precautionary Measures to Contain the spread of COVID-19 Office Memorandum regarding Precautionary Measures to Contain the spread of COVID-19
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat B 1/011/2(X)2019-20/Budget/ Finance Wing 16/04/2020 Economy instructions due to spread of Covidrn Economy instructions due to spread of Covidrn
FINANCE WING Doordarshan G-20011/1/2020-BI Finance Wing 16/04/2020 Budget Estimates 2020-21 for the month of April and May2020 under the sub head Office Expenses (Payment to casuals/contractual) in the OAE object head regarding Budget Estimates 2020-21 for the month of April and May2020 under the sub head Office Expenses (Payment to casuals/contractual) in the OAE object head regarding
FINANCE WING Doordarshan G-20011/1/2020-BI Finance Wing 15/04/2020 Budget Estimates 2020-21 for the month of April and May 2020 under the head Revenue Non-Plan and IEBR Distribution of the budget approved in BE 2020-21 among Doordarshan Network regarding Budget Estimates 2020-21 for the month of April and May 2020 under the head Revenue Non-Plan and IEBR Distribution of the budget approved in BE 2020-21 among Doordarshan Network regarding
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 121/2020-PPC Administration 15/04/2020 Regarding Transfer/Posting of officers as well as shifting of posts in Prasar Bharati (All India Radio and Doordarshan) Regarding Transfer/Posting of officers as well as shifting of posts in Prasar Bharati (All India Radio and Doordarshan)
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan No.06/01/2020-S.I Administration 15/04/2020 Draft Seniority list of erstwhile Staff Artists and Production Assistants/Pex-in-Situ Floor Managers/ Property Assistants of Doordarshan for promotion to the post of PEX Draft Seniority list of erstwhile Staff Artists and Production Assistants/Pex-in-Situ Floor Managers/ Property Assistants of Doordarshan for promotion to the post of PEX
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Misc-1/001/15/2019-HR-C Contractual 15/04/2020 OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding Payment of remuneration to contractual engagee OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding Payment of remuneration to contractual engagee
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat D 13023/15/2019-20/GA-I/Part file Administration 14/04/2020 OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding Precautionary Measures to Contain the spread of COVID-19 OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding Precautionary Measures to Contain the spread of COVID-19
FINANCE WING Doordarshan G.28012/4/2020-B-I Finance Wing 13/04/2020 Budget Estimates 2020-21 and Release of cash for the month of April and May 2020 under the head OAE and Software Programme Expenses to 31 RNUs regarding Budget Estimates 2020-21 and Release of cash for the month of April and May 2020 under the head OAE and Software Programme Expenses to 31 RNUs regarding
OPERATIONS/PBB Prasar Bharati Secretariat OM No. 05/2020-Ops Program Related 13/04/2020 Provisional Launch of a GEC channel DD Retro Provisional Launch of a GEC channel DD Retro
FINANCE WING Doordarshan G-20011/5/2020-21/B-II Finance Wing 12/04/2020 Distribution of outlay approved in the B.E.2020-21 under CSS(Capital)of Doordarshan Distribution of outlay approved in the B.E.2020-21 under CSS(Capital)of Doordarshan