

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No A 10011/24/2017 PPC (Pt) Administration 08/05/2019 CORRIGENDUM regarding PB Sectt Office Order No 153/2019_PPC in respect of repatriation and relieving of ASOs from Prasar Bharati CORRIGENDUM regarding PB Sectt Office Order No 153/2019_PPC in respect of repatriation and relieving of ASOs from Prasar Bharati
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No PB 10(14)/2019_20/NPS/908_922 Finance Wing 07/05/2019 Clarification regarding Applicability of 10 percentage NPS Employer Contribution for Prasar Bharati Employees Clarification regarding Applicability of 10 percentage NPS Employer Contribution for Prasar Bharati Employees
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 152/2019-PPC Administration 06/05/2019 Regarding transfer of Assets and records of RABMs Regarding transfer of Assets and records of RABMs
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No A 10011/44/2018-PPC Administration 06/05/2019 Manpower Audit of Prasar Bharati - reg. Manpower Audit of Prasar Bharati – reg.
OPERATIONS/PBB Prasar Bharati Secretariat Office Memorandum 14/2019-Ops Program Related 06/05/2019 Implementation on decision of 154th meeting of Prasar Bharati Board held on 28.02.2019 regarding M/s Saibaba Telefilms Ltd Implementation on decision of 154th meeting of Prasar Bharati Board held on 28.02.2019 regarding M/s Saibaba Telefilms Ltd
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO 154/2019-PPC Administration 06/05/2019 Transfer of Shri Kashmir Singh DD(E) NABM Delhi to AIR Chandigarh Transfer of Shri Kashmir Singh DD(E) NABM Delhi to AIR Chandigarh
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO 153/2019-PPC Administration 06/05/2019 Regarding repatriation and relieving of 3 Assistant Section Officers on deputation, from Prasar Bharati Regarding repatriation and relieving of 3 Assistant Section Officers on deputation, from Prasar Bharati
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 149/2019-PPC Administration 03/05/2019 Regarding posting of Shri Priyank Saxena, EA Regarding posting of Shri Priyank Saxena, EA
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 150/2019-PPC Administration 03/05/2019 Regarding transfer of Sh Bibian Kerketta, DDE and Ms K Padmavathi, ADP Regarding transfer of Sh Bibian Kerketta, DDE and Ms K Padmavathi, ADP
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 151/2019-PPC Administration 03/05/2019 Regarding posting of DDG Ops in PB Sectt and additional charge of Technical Division in PB Sectt to ADG(E), R and D Regarding posting of DDG Ops in PB Sectt and additional charge of Technical Division in PB Sectt to ADG(E), R and D
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No PBS/Audit/Circular 18_19 Finance Wing 03/05/2019 Regarding Procurement of Goods_Services and Carrying out Works and Mandatory rules for Compliances as per GFR 2017 Regarding Procurement of Goods_Services and Carrying out Works and Mandatory rules for Compliances as per GFR 2017
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Office Order Administration 03/05/2019 Advertisemnt for inviting applications from Devotional (Spiritual/AYUSH) channels to fill up Bucket R1 slots of DD Free Dish through 40th on line e-auction process Advertisemnt for inviting applications from Devotional (Spiritual/AYUSH) channels to fill up Bucket R1 slots of DD Free Dish through 40th on line e-auction process
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Office Order Administration 03/05/2019 Application form for participation in 40th online e-auction process of DD Free Dish slots. Application form for participation in 40th online e-auction process of DD Free Dish slots.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Office Order Administration 03/05/2019 Notice inviting applications from Devotional (Spiritual/AYUSH channels) satellite TV channels for allotment of slots of DD Free Dish for the period from 01.06.2019 to 29.02.2020 through 40th on line e-auction process. Notice inviting applications from Devotional (Spiritual/AYUSH channels) satellite TV channels for allotment of slots of DD Free Dish for the period from 01.06.2019 to 29.02.2020 through 40th on line e-auction process.
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan S3 Administration 03/05/2019 Rotational Transfer of officials working in sensitive posts Rotational Transfer of officials working in sensitive posts
FINANCE WING Doordarshan B II Finance Wing 03/05/2019 Budget Estimates 2019 20 in respect of Grant in aid to PB for Kisan Channel Content under Revenue Plan Distribution thereof Budget Estimates 2019 20 in respect of Grant in aid to PB for Kisan Channel Content under Revenue Plan Distribution thereof
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan SIII Administration 03/05/2019 Constitute an Apex Review Committee to the Loksabha elections 2019 Constitute an Apex Review Committee to the Loksabha elections 2019
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 2019 Estt. Administration 02/05/2019 Implimentation of GPF Module of PFMS through EIS system for Salary processing units Kendras of Prasar Bharati on EAT module of PFMS Implimentation of GPF Module of PFMS through EIS system for Salary processing units Kendras of Prasar Bharati on EAT module of PFMS
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan SIII Administration 02/05/2019 Regarding Sh. Shrikant Saxena superannuation Regarding Sh. Shrikant Saxena superannuation
GST MATTERS Doordarshan GST Administration 02/05/2019 Strict compliance regarding applicability of GST on Statutory payment Strict compliance regarding applicability of GST on Statutory payment