
Prasar Bharati Board

The general superintendence, direction and management of the affairs of Prasar Bharati are vested in the Prasar Bharati Board, which is headed by the Chairman and comprises of , the Executive Member (Chief Executive Officer), the Member (Finance), the Member (Personnel), six Part-time Members, a representative of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting and the Directors General of All India Radio and Doordarshan as ex-officio Members. The Chairman is a Part Time Member with a three year tenure, subject to the age limit of 70 years. The Chief Executive Officer has a tenure of five years, subject to the age limit of 65 years. Member (Finance) and Member (Personnel) are Whole Time Members with a six year tenure, subject to the age limit of 62 years. The Prasar Bharati Board meets at least 6 times in a year and the meetings are presided over by the Chairman. The Board delegates powers and responsibilities to the Chief Executive Officer who discharges his functions accordingly.

Prasar Bharati Board Members Previous Board Members
vacant Shri Navneet Kumar Sehgal Chairman, Prasar Bharati Board Off. Tel.: 011-23118801/231 18802
Previous Chairmen
vacant Shri Gaurav Dwivedi, IAS, Chief Executive Officer, Prasar Bharati Off. Tel.: +91-11-23118803
Previous CEOs
vacant Member (Finance)- Additional charge with CEO Off. Tel.: +91-11-23118808
Previous Members (Finance)
vacant Member (Personnel) – Additional charge with CEO Off. Tel.: +91-11-23118808
Previous Members (Personnel)
vacant Ms. Neerja Sekhar, Nominated Member, Prasar Bharati Board, Additional Secretary Ministry of I&B Off. Tel.: +91-11-23387558
vacant Shri Ashok Kumar Tandon, Part Time Member, Prasar Bharati Board Off. Tel.: 011-41630311
vacant Shri Sanjay Gupta, Part Time Member, Prasar Bharati Board Email:sanjay[at]jagran[dot]com Previous Part Time Members
vacant Dr. Pragya Paliwal Gaur, DG AIR, Prasar Bharati Board Off. Tel.: 011-23421218
vacant Shri K. Satish Nambudiripad, DG Doordarshan, Prasar Bharati Board Off. Tel.: +91-11-23114599
Fax: +91-11-23114964