

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
FINANCE WING Doordarshan 2018 BI Finance Wing 29/03/2019 Allocation of additional budget to 42 Kendras Field Units in the head Other Administrative Expenses under IEBR during 2018-19 Allocation of additional budget to 42 Kendras Field Units in the head Other Administrative Expenses under IEBR during 2018-19
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No B 1/011/2(X)2018 19/Budget/286 Finance Wing 28/03/2019 Budget Estimates 2019-20 under Grants in aid Salaries and Sub heads of IEBR- Communication of approved budget Budget Estimates 2019-20 under Grants in aid Salaries and Sub heads of IEBR- Communication of approved budget
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 99/2019-PPC Administration 28/03/2019 Transfer of Smt M Nirmala Devi, LDC from DDK Thrissur to AIR Kannur on promotion as UDC Transfer of Smt M Nirmala Devi, LDC from DDK Thrissur to AIR Kannur on promotion as UDC
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan SIII Administration 28/03/2019 Transfer Order stands withdrawn in r/o Sh Rajendra Phadte and Sh Abhijit Banerjee Transfer Order stands withdrawn in r/o Sh Rajendra Phadte and Sh Abhijit Banerjee
FINANCE WING Doordarshan 2018 BI Finance Wing 28/03/2019 Allocation of additional budget to Kendras in the head Software Programme Expenses under Revenue NonPlan IEBR during 2018-19 Allocation of additional budget to Kendras in the head Software Programme Expenses under Revenue NonPlan IEBR during 2018-19
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 98/2019-PPC Administration 27/03/2019 Transfer of Sh. Dipankar Mishra, TREX AIR Todapur to AIR Sports and reporting for duty at PB Sectt Transfer of Sh. Dipankar Mishra, TREX AIR Todapur to AIR Sports and reporting for duty at PB Sectt
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No B 1/011/1(1)2018 19/Budget/287 Finance Wing 27/03/2019 Forwarding of Monthly Expenditure Statement (MES) for the month of February 2019 under Central Sector Schemes_Projects and Other Central Expenditure during the financial year 2018-19 in respect of Prasar Bharati Forwarding of Monthly Expenditure Statement (MES) for the month of February 2019 under Central Sector Schemes_Projects and Other Central Expenditure during the financial year 2018-19 in respect of Prasar Bharati
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/193683/TI/2019 Technical 26/03/2019 Call letter for Measurement in Television Broadcasting for AE/SEA/EA (DD) from 29.04.2019 to 03.05.2019 at NABM Delhi. Call letter for Measurement in Television Broadcasting for AE/SEA/EA (DD) from 29.04.2019 to 03.05.2019 at NABM Delhi.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO 96/2019-PPC Administration 26/03/2019 Regarding joining and posting of Sh Rajeev Kumar, PS on deputation in Prasar Bharati Secretariat Regarding joining and posting of Sh Rajeev Kumar, PS on deputation in Prasar Bharati Secretariat
RTI Prasar Bharati Secretariat CORRIGENDUM - OFFICE ORDER No 290/2019_PPC Administration 26/03/2019 CORRIGENDUM for the designation of Shri Raman Kumar as Director - Engg regarding PB Sectt OFFICE ORDER No 290/2019_PPC for Nodal CPIO for PB Sectt and CPIOs for IR and Parliament / PBB and GA II CORRIGENDUM for the designation of Shri Raman Kumar as Director – Engg regarding PB Sectt OFFICE ORDER No 290/2019_PPC for Nodal CPIO for PB Sectt and CPIOs for IR and Parliament / PBB and GA II
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO 94/2019-PPC Administration 25/03/2019 Regarding joining and posting of Sh Bhagwan Thakur, PS on deputation in Prasar Bharati Secretariat Regarding joining and posting of Sh Bhagwan Thakur, PS on deputation in Prasar Bharati Secretariat
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Banking Circular 01/19 Finance Wing 25/03/2019 Punjab and Sind Bank Proposal for Extending Loans to Prasar Bharati Employees including employees on Deemed Deputation Punjab and Sind Bank Proposal for Extending Loans to Prasar Bharati Employees including employees on Deemed Deputation
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Banking Circular 02/19 Finance Wing 25/03/2019 MoU Signed with UCO bank for extending Loans to Prasar Bharati Employees including Employees on Deemed Deputation. MoU Signed with UCO bank for extending Loans to Prasar Bharati Employees including Employees on Deemed Deputation.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 95/2019-PPC Administration 25/03/2019 Regarding reporting for duty by 3 nos of Assistant Engineer in Prasar Bharati Secretariat Regarding reporting for duty by 3 nos of Assistant Engineer in Prasar Bharati Secretariat
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO 92/2019-PPC Administration 25/03/2019 Regarding joining and posting of Sh Jamil Akhtar, PS on deputation in Prasar Bharati Secretariat Regarding joining and posting of Sh Jamil Akhtar, PS on deputation in Prasar Bharati Secretariat
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 93/2019-PPC Administration 25/03/2019 Regarding joining and posting of Sh Subhash Chand, PS on deputation in Prasar Bharati Secretariat Regarding joining and posting of Sh Subhash Chand, PS on deputation in Prasar Bharati Secretariat
PROGRAMME WING Doordarshan 2019-KC Program Related 22/03/2019 DD Kashir- Extension of last date for submission of documents relating to 104 Re Consideration Programme Proposals DD Kashir- Extension of last date for submission of documents relating to 104 Re Consideration Programme Proposals
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 88/2019-PPC Administration 22/03/2019 Regarding reporting for duty by Ms Mukta Goel as selection to the post of Additional Director General (Prog) in Prasar Bharati Regarding reporting for duty by Ms Mukta Goel as selection to the post of Additional Director General (Prog) in Prasar Bharati
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 89/2019-PPC Administration 22/03/2019 Five days programme of Ms Mukta Goel ADG (Prog) to get familiarize with working and organizational structure of Prasar Bharati Five days programme of Ms Mukta Goel ADG (Prog) to get familiarize with working and organizational structure of Prasar Bharati
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 2019 SIII Administration 20/03/2019 Transfer order in respect of Programme Officers Transfer order in respect of Programme Officers