

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
FINANCE WING Doordarshan G-20011/1/2020-BI Finance Wing 07/09/2020 Re-allocation of budget under the sub-heads of Programme Expenses during 2020-21 regardingrn Re-allocation of budget under the sub-heads of Programme Expenses during 2020-21 regardingrn
OPERATIONS/PBB Prasar Bharati Secretariat P-1/012(33)/2019 Ops Program Related 07/09/2020 OFFICE MEMORANDUM (No. 15/2020-Ops) regarding Unavailability of clean feeds of DD India and DD News for DD Regional Channels OFFICE MEMORANDUM (No. 15/2020-Ops) regarding Unavailability of clean feeds of DD India and DD News for DD Regional Channels
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat D 1 3030/01/Admin-OMs/2020-21 e-23504 Administration 07/09/2020 OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding Economy instructions - Printing activities OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding Economy instructions – Printing activities
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 8/1/2017 SII/329 Administration 07/09/2020 Transfer/Posting of Section Officers/AO/AE/Personal Secretary/Assistant Section Officers DG:DD Transfer/Posting of Section Officers/AO/AE/Personal Secretary/Assistant Section Officers DG:DD
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat PBS (BnA)/20-21/CAS/03 Finance Wing 07/09/2020 Updating of employees profile in e-salary module of Centralized Accounting software Updating of employees profile in e-salary module of Centralized Accounting software
ENGINEERING WING All India Radio A 22013/01/2020-CW-I/1104 CCW Related 07/09/2020 Shri Sunil Kumar Sharma will hold additional charge of Deputy Director Civil Coordination and Liaisoning in the Prasar Bharati Secretariat Shri Sunil Kumar Sharma will hold additional charge of Deputy Director Civil Coordination and Liaisoning in the Prasar Bharati Secretariat
RTI Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 266/2020-PPC Administration 07/09/2020 Declaration of CPIO and First Appellate Authorities in Prasar Bharati Secretariat Declaration of CPIO and First Appellate Authorities in Prasar Bharati Secretariat
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat (E 2373) A 10 /016 /21/ 2019 HR-C Contractual 07/09/2020 OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding Policy on re-constitution of Screening-cum-Selection Committee for contractual engagement in Prasar Bharati OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding Policy on re-constitution of Screening-cum-Selection Committee for contractual engagement in Prasar Bharati
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat PB 7_14_1/2019-20 FIN/GST Finance Wing 04/09/2020 GST Letter regarding Compliance activities due by 30th Sept 2020 GST Letter regarding Compliance activities due by 30th Sept 2020
MISCELLANEOUS Prasar Bharati Secretariat eFileNo. C 31013/03/2020 Vig(PB)/3010-21 Administration 04/09/2020 Joining order of Sh Sanjeev Kr Gaur AE (HRIS DGDD) joined as Vigilance Officer in Vigilance wing of Doordarshan Joining order of Sh Sanjeev Kr Gaur AE (HRIS DGDD) joined as Vigilance Officer in Vigilance wing of Doordarshan
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat D 13023/15/2019-20/GA-1/Part file e-8876 Administration 04/09/2020 OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) OFFICE MEMORANDUM regarding Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/Webinar/30/2020-21 Establishment 03/09/2020 Rescheduling of the online training webinar programme on Disciplinary Proceedings for DE DP DDE DDP ADE ADP from 12.10.2020 to 16.10.2020 earlier it was from 7.9.2020 to 11.9.2020 5 half days in FN Rescheduling of the online training webinar programme on Disciplinary Proceedings for DE DP DDE DDP ADE ADP from 12.10.2020 to 16.10.2020 earlier it was from 7.9.2020 to 11.9.2020 5 half days in FN
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 11019/07/2019/SIII Administration 03/09/2020 Functional Autonomy in all Doordarshan Kendra and Administrative and Financial Powers to the Head of RNUs Functional Autonomy in all Doordarshan Kendra and Administrative and Financial Powers to the Head of RNUs
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 262/2020-PPC Administration 03/09/2020 Repatriation and relieving of Shri R K Upadhyay ADG (Content Ops)from Prasar Bharati Repatriation and relieving of Shri R K Upadhyay ADG (Content Ops)from Prasar Bharati
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 23/74/HOO-SZ/2015-S.IV/1961 Administration 03/09/2020 Additional charge of HOO/ HOE/ Controlling office Additional charge of HOO/ HOE/ Controlling office
MISCELLANEOUS Prasar Bharati Secretariat G-1011/172/2020-IR Program Related 03/09/2020 IR CIRCULAR - 32nd International URTI Radio Grand Prix - call for Entry IR CIRCULAR – 32nd International URTI Radio Grand Prix – call for Entry
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO. 263/2020-PPC Administration 03/09/2020 Assignment the work of of Zonal Head Content Ops South Zone to Shri V Ramakanth DDG(P) Hyderabad Assignment the work of of Zonal Head Content Ops South Zone to Shri V Ramakanth DDG(P) Hyderabad
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 28/4/2020 S II A /304 Administration 01/09/2020 Coverage under Central Civil Services Pension Rule 1972 in place of National Pension System of those Central Government employees whose selection for appointment was finalized before 01/01/2004 but who joined Government service on or after 01/01/2004rn Coverage under Central Civil Services Pension Rule 1972 in place of National Pension System of those Central Government employees whose selection for appointment was finalized before 01/01/2004 but who joined Government service on or after 01/01/2004rn
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 30/2020/S.III Administration 01/09/2020 Declaration of HOO of DDK Warangal regarding Declaration of HOO of DDK Warangal regarding
ENGINEERING WING All India Radio A-22013/01/2015-CW-I/1095 CCW Related 01/09/2020 Shri Apurba Banergee SW Civil Kolkata hold the additional charge of Executive Engineer Civil Siliguri Shri Apurba Banergee SW Civil Kolkata hold the additional charge of Executive Engineer Civil Siliguri