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RTI Order-2022

Section Order No. Subject/ Particulars Issued On Download
RTI ADG(A)(NEZ)01/HR/RTI-2024 Declaration of  CPIO  in r/o O/O ADG(A&BO)(NEZ) Guwahati 22-08-2024
RTI 904/51/2022-23/APIP/RTI/CAPIO/CPIO/FAA  Declaration of  CPIO & FAA for DG: Doordarshan 20-05-2024
RTI A-11019/11/2022-RTI Cell/108
Declaration of  Nodal CPIO for Akashvani Directorate
RTI 21/430/RTI/CPIO/09/Admn.I-1341-42-6955-58/9433
Declaration of  CPIO for Akashvani & Doordarshan  in Jalandhar
Declaration of  CPIO & FAA in West Zone
RTI ADG(A)(NEZ)/01/HR/RTI-2024 
Declaration of  FAA in North East Zone
RTI A-11019/11/2022-RTI Cell 
Declaration of CPIO & FAA in Akashvani Directorate
RTI NSD/AIR/RTI/FAA/2020-21/763 
Declaration of CPIO & FAA in NSD
RTI EZ(Admn.)/RTI/2024/ 
Declaration of CPIO in East Zone
RTI SE(C)-II/SKA/(Prs/CCW/2024/263
Declaration of CPIO in CCW
RTI ADGE(A)(WZ)/Zonal/RTI/2024-25 
Declaration of CPIO in West Zone
RTI 10011/29/2019PPC (E88
FAA Declaration of Vigilance
RTI  ADG(NZ)RTI/CPIO/ADMIM-1/2023/C.NO/157535 CPIO Declaration of AIR Jaipur & AIR Jodhpur 30-05-2024
RTI F-24/21/2023/189991 Change of  CPIO   in r/o Akashvani Bengaluru 08-05-2024
RTI List of FAAs & CPIO in CCW AIR Declaration of  CPIO & FAA  in r/o CCW AIR 01-05-2024
RTI A-11019/11/2022-RTI Cell- (Part2) Change of  CPIO & FAA  in r/o Akashvani Directorate 23-04-2024
RTI R-5/011/34/2023/RTI dt. 10.04.2024 List of RTI request which are pending  more than 30 days 10-04-2024
RTI A-11019/11/2022-RTI Cell- (Part2)/49 Declaration of CPIO  in r/o Akashvani Directorate 08-04-2024
RTI E-5/011/21/2023/RTI/172 Dated 04-04-2024 Office Order No. 01/2024 04-04-2024
RTI ADG(A)(NEZ)01/HR/RTI/140359-2024 dated 23.03.2024 Declaration of Nodal CPIO  in r/o NEZ 23-03-2024
RTI EZ(1)/(Admn.) 2024 Declaration of CPIO  in r/o Akashvani Patna 18-03-2024
RTI R-5/011/34/2023/RTI Pending RTI as on 01.03.2024 14-03-2024
RTI F-24/21/2023-189991 dated 07.03.2024 Declaration of CPIO  in r/o Akashvani Kochi 07-03-2024
RTI ADG(E)/OO/2024/ dated 05.03.2024 Declaration of FAA in r/o East Zone 05-03-2024
RTI R-11013/9/2023-RTI Appointment of CPIO and First Appellate Authority in Ministry of Information & Broadcasting 21-02-2024
RTI  F-24/21/2023-ADG(A)(SZ)/189991 Declaration of CPIO  in r/o DDK Thiruvnanthapuram 26-02-2024
RTI A/64/2024-O/oADG(A)(SZ)/219299 Declaration of CPIO  in r/o Akashvani Hyderabad 19-02-2024
RTI R-5/011/028/2021/RTI/84 Implementation of Suo motu disclosure under section 4 of RTI Act 22-02-2024
RTI 904/51/2022-23/APIO/RTI/CAPIO/CPIO/FAA Declaration of CPIO & FAA for DD Urdu & Kisan, CPC Delhi 21-02-2024
RTI R-5/011/005/2024/RTI/221199 Declaration of CPIO in r/o O/o ADG(SZ) in  absence of Smt. T. Nalini 19-02-2024
RTI I-11011/01/2023-Vig(PB)(e209094) Declaration of First Appellate Authority in r/o Vigilance Section, Prasar Bharati 05-02-2024
RTI 21/430/RTI/CPIO/09/Admn-1/1341-42-6955-58 Declaration of CPIO & First Appellate Authority in r/o AIR Leh 11-01-2024
RTI NSD/AIR/FAA/2020-21/005 Declaration of CPIO & First Appellate Authority in r/o NSD Akashvani 05-01-2024
RTI DDN/10/877/2015/RTI(e-65476) Declaration of First Appellate Authority in r/o Doordarshan News 05-12-2023
RTI A-11019/11/2022-RTI Cell-(Part 2)/01 Declaration of CPIO in r/o Project Monitoring Cell, DG :Akashvani  03-01-2024
RTI 904/51/2022-23/APIO/RTI/CAPIO/CPIO/FAA Declaration of CPIO & FAA in P-VII (Plateform/DD Free Dish) Section, DGDD 15-12-2023
RTI 904/51/2022-23/APIO/RTI/CAPIO/CPIO/FAA/D-795 Declaration of CPIO & FAA in S-II Section, DGDD 07-12-2023
RTI ADG(A)(NEZ)01/HR/RTI-2023 Change of CPIO in NEZ 07-12-2023
RTI A-110011/29/2019-PPC Declaration of CPIO in Vigilance Technical Unit 30-11-2023
RTI A-10011/29/2019-PPC Declaration of First Appellate authority of Vigilance Wing 24-11-2023
RTI A-11019/11/2022-RTI Cell(Part-2)/268 Change in section of CPIOs in DG:Akashvani 23-11-2023
RTI 21/430/RTI/CPIO/09/Admn.I-1341-42-6955-58 Declaration of CPIO DDK Delhi 22-11-2023
RTI 904/51/2022-23/APIO/RTI/CAPIO/CPIO/FAA Declaration of CPIO & FAA for [S-I,S-I(A), S-III& S-V] Section, DG:DD 03-11-2023
RTI ADGE(A)/WZ/Zonal/RTI/2023-24 Declaration of CPIO and FAA in West Zone 02-11-2023
RTI 21/430/RTI/CPIO/09/Admn.I-1341-42-6955-58 CPIO & Appellate Authority for RTI Matters related to Office Of ADG(E)(NZ) regarding 02-11-2023
RTI R-5/011/28/2021/RTI/344 Suo motu disclosure of information on Prasar Bharati website under RTI Act, 2005-compliance reg. 20-10-2023
RTI A-11019/11/2022-RTI  Cell /256 Sh. Rajiv Gupta, DD(E)(SM), DG: Akashvani has been declared as the link officer to Sh. Santosh Kumar Mishra, Nodal CPIO, DG: Akashvani 13-10-2023
RTI 904/51/2022-23/APIO/RTI/CAPIO/CPIO/FAA Declaration of CPIO & FAA for S-IV Section, DG:DD 13-10-2023
RTI ADG(A)(WZ)/Zonal/RTI-2023-24 Designation of Nodal, CPIOs and First Appellate Authority in West Zone 20-09-2023
RTI ADG(A)(SZ)/01/HR/RTI-2023 Declaration of CPIO for field Akashvani & Doordarshan offices in South Zone 31-08-2023
RTI NSD/AIR/RTI/Matters/2016/305 Declaration of First Appellate Authority in r/o News Services Division, Akashvani, New Delhi 7-08-2023
RTI ADG(NZ)/157535 Declaration of Officers as CPIOS and FAA, in the stations under North Zone 11-08-2023
RTI ADG(NZ)157535 (Amended) Declaration of CPIOS and FAA, in the stations under North Zone with immediate effect 09-08-2023
RTI 904/51/2022-23/APIO/RTI/CAPIO/CPIO/FAA Desgination (Nomination)of CPIO and First Appellate Authority in DG:Doordarshan 31-07-2023
RTI ADG(A)(SZ)/01/HR/RTI-2023 Declaration of FAA/CPIO for field Akashvani & Doordarshan offices in South Zone under RTI Act-Reg. 31-07-2023
RTI A-11019/11/2022 Designation of CPIOs and First Appellate Authorities in DG: Akashvani 28-7-2023
RTI ADGE(A)WZ/Zonal/RTI/2022-23 Change of CPIO in West Zone 11-07-2023
RTI 147/2023-PPC Work Allocation 03-07-2023
RTI 144/2023-PPC Work Allocation in respect of cadre of JAG of IB(E)S 03-07-2023
RTI A-11019/11/2022-RTI-Cell-(Part2)/201 Designation of CPIOs and First Appellate Authorities in DG:Akashvani 21-06-2023
RTI A-11019/11/2022-RTI Cell- Part(2)/197 Declaration of CPIO and FAA in DG : Akashwani 08-06-2023
RTI ADGE(A)WZ/Zonal/RTI/2022-23 Office Order 24-05-2023
RTI  89/2023-PPC Office Order  19-05-2023
RTI 72/2023-PPC  Office Order  28-04-2023
RTI M-01/001/60/2021-CGRC/113 Office Order 29-03-2023
RTI ADG(NZ)157536 Declaration of CPIO under North Zone(Corrigendum) 24-03-2023
RTI 50/2023-PPC Declaration of ADE RTI Cell PBS 21-03-2023
RTI DDN/10/877/2015-23/RTI/2180 Declaration of First Appellate Authority in DG:DD News 15-03-2023
RTI ADG(A)(NEZ)/01/HR/RTI-2023/1803 Declaration of CPIO under North East Zone 14-03-2023
RTI 45/2023-PPC Declaration of CAPIO, PBS 13-03-2023
RTI ADGE(A)/WZ/Zonal/RTI/2022-2023/2045 Declaration of  CPIO/FAA  under West Zone 08-03-2023
RTI  44/2023-PPC Declaration of Link officer CPIO  under DG:AIR 07-03-2023
RTI A-11019/11/2022-RTI Cell/117 Declaration of Link officer CPIO under DG:AIR 27-02-2023
RTI A-11019/11/2022-RTI Cell/109 Declaration of CPIO/FAA under DG:AIR 21-02-2023
RTI ADG(A)(SZ)/01/HR/RTI-2023 Declaration of CPIO AIR Tiruchi under South Zone 16-02-2023
RTI ADG(NZ)157535 Declaration of CPIO/FAA under North Zone 10-02-2023
RTI ADG(A)(SZ)/01/HR/RTI-2023 Declaration of CPIOs/ FAAs under South Zone 14-02-2023
RTI HR-18(8)/2022-S(RTI) Declaration of CPIOs/ FAAs under East Zone 02-02-2023
RTI 03/2023-RTI Designating CPIOs/CAPIOs and FAAs in respect of RTI matters 24-01-2023
RTI 2/2023-RTI Declaration of CPIO of Vigilance (AIR+DD+PBS) 16-01-2023
RTI 1/2023-RTI Declaration of First Appellate Authority of South Zone in respect of RTI matters 04-01-2023
RTI R-5/011/08/2021/RTI Declaration of First Appellate Authority of Vigilance Section 01-12-2022
PPC A-10011/29/2019-PPC(pt.) Office Memorandum- Matter related to declaration of FAA/CPIO/CAPIO/deemed PIO for PBS/DG:DD/DG:AIR shall be dealt by RTI cell PBS 13-10-2022
PPC 236/2022 Regarding work assignment/posting w.e.f.01.10.2022 01-10-2022
PPC 226/2022-PPC Declaration of Sh. Rajesh Babu, DDG (E) as CPIO of DG: AIR in place of Sh. Deepak Joshi, DDG(E). 22-09-2022
PPC 222/2022-PPC Office order in respect of work assignment/posting 12-09-2022
Vigilance 1-11011/03/2022-vig/1450 Office Order regarding Prasar Bharati Vigilance Wing to assist CPIO (Vigilance)AIR, DD, PBS in RTI Matters 12-09-2022
PPC 211/2022-PPC Declaration of FAA 31-08-2022
PPC 197/2022-PPC Declaration of CPIOs/CAPIOs/FAAs 12-08-2022
PPC  179/2022-PPC Declaration of CPIO FAA 25-07-2022
PPC  99/2022-PPC Integrated Procurement Cell (AIR & DD) Integrated Project Monitoring Cell (AIR & DD) 20-05-2022
PPC A-10011/10/2022-PPC Office Order No. 73/2022-PPC Work assignment of SAG and JAG level officers 21-04-2022
RTI A-10011/29/2019-PPC Office Memorandum to all the concerned sections of PBS and the common verticals are requested to comply the decision taken regarding status updated on RTI Matters in the 110th Meeting of the management committee on 8.12.2021 04-01-2022